Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Before we get into that Secret, first let me tell you two things. The first Saturday Quilting Bee and the Sampler class will not be held at the Attic Window Quilt Shop on New Year’s Day. However, there is an event on that day that you won’t want to miss.

12 noon—4 p.m.
30—50% off all fabric

Be sure and stop in and take advantage of this sale. Get that special fabric that has been calling out to you. Also, think backings! Now for what you really came for:

The Secret to Getting What You Want in 2011

Remember the Spice Girls song lyrics, “Tell me what you want, what you really, really want?” Well, I’m asking you - what do you really, really want? That’s the first step to making it happen – figuring out what you really, really, want. Really. It’s as basic as that. If you don’t know where you want to go, who or what you want to be or do, how will you get there?

So many of us roll through life like a tumbleweed, letting life happen to us. I know, because I did that for so many years. Yes, I got places, but for the longest time I felt like that tumbleweed or, more appropriately, like the ball knocking around in a pinball machine. I hit the right spots some times, rang the bells and scored some points, but, inevitably, where did I end up? A few tilts and then, yep, you guessed it, down the hole. Over and out. Time to start over but, again, without a plan - leaving it all to chance.

Now I know better. I know how to get what I want. I say it’s a secret but it really isn’t. It just feels like one until you begin to live by it. It is so very simple that many of us dismiss it or put it off like it's optional or just an interesting exercise to do when you have a moment.

And now, for the big reveal, I’ll turn this over to W. H. Murray, a mountain climber, who, in his 1951 book, The Scottish Himalaya Expedition, shared this secret more eloquently than I ever could:

“This may sound too simple, but is great in consequence. Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets:

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!”

This is something I have lived by for over 20 years. The quote has been on my mirror for years so that I see it every day. The words run through my head every time I have a dream. I begin, and the magic – providence – moves with me. I have had it happen too many times for me not to believe it. I look for it in others as well, especially my clients. I can see that when they commit to something and take action, that the Universe steps up to meet them and help them on their way. You might be thinking I’m a little woo-woo right now, but trust me on this. COMMIT. Take ACTION toward the dream and you will find what you are looking for.

Still not sure? Will Henry David Thoreau’s words convince you?

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.”

So I ask you, what do you really want? Can you commit to going for it? Can you break it down into doable steps and begin? Take the necessary action to get what you want? I’m betting you can. So here’s what you need to do right now:

1. Decide what you want.

2. Write it down on an index card and post it where you will see it every day – even better, put one next to your bed, too.

3. Figure out the first step towards that dream.

4. Take action. And watch for signs that the Universe/Providence/God is helping you.

5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 until you reach the dream.

This article is by Lesley Riley, The Artist Success Expert, and is the founder of Artist Success, Solutions for the Struggling Artist. To receive her bi-weekly articles on creating your own success as an artist, visit

If you liked this article you might also like Don’t Forget To Gift To Yourself.
One Piece At A Time has a great video on how to release your creative beast. 

Stay Positive!


Micki said...

I have always done that, and it does work.
Thanks for a nice post.

SheilaC said...

Wonderful post!! I have used this in my life too and it is amazing how it works.

Thanks for sharing this!


Mama Pea said...

Nice. I have taken a step toward commitment today. I have wanted a longarm machine for 2 years. And I am no closer today than I was 2 years ago to getting it. My husband says I can get one in 3 years (we'll be able to afford it and we will hopefully have the addition to our house built). I am afraid 3 years will come and go, just like the last two. So, today I opened up a new savings account at my local
bank. It's called a "Goal Setter Account." They put in the amount that is your goal, and when you get there, they match the interest you have earned on the money while getting there. It is not linked to my other accounts (so I can't transfer money out of it to another account). If I want to make a withdrawal, I actually have to go to the bank and get it out. No ATM card with the account either. I had a little extra money from a consulting job I completed recently and started it with that (so I wouldn't go pissing it away on something else). Now, I feel like my dream will really become a reality. Commitment and action. The keys to success!

P.S. Maybe I should come up Saturday instead of Friday???

Allie said...

Boy do I wish I could come up Saturday! Nice post Caroll, I'm going to have to read it again and again - I THINK I know what I want to be when I grow up - now just to get there! Maybe you're never too old, we'll see.

Kristi said...

Great column! One addition I would make is simply this: Set a Date. Without a deadline, most of us procrastinate.

Happy New Year!

Kimberly Mason said...

That's beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing it!!

Shelina said...

I am behind in reading posts, and just want to thank you for this one. I used to have a good plan, and lately have become lost. Thanks for the reminder that I need to plan my life again.


Attic Window Teachers

Attic Window Teachers
Attic Window Teachers

Quilting for Kids With Cancer

Quilting for Kids With Cancer
Generosity has no bounds. Above are the women in the Quilts For Kids group at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. Left to right, Henrietta, Phyllis, Nancy, Carol, Karen. These women donate their time, fabric, money once a month to make quilts for kids who have cancer.

Quilts For Wheels

Quilts For Wheels
Many thanks and much appreciation goes to the women who work diligently each month to make quilts for those in wheel chairs. Kudos go to: Yvonne, Mary T., Fran, Joan, Mary Ellen, Barb, Lee Ann, Nancy, Mary.
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