Monday, May 31, 2010


Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. I woke up to thunder storms this morning. It rained here on and off all day. Some people lost electricity. Our Cable, phone, and internet were down, but fortunately we still had electricity. My heart went out to all those who had outdoor activities planned.
Because of this busy weekend I didn’t get much done, but did want to show you another Around The World Quilt Block. This one is for Round 2 and goes with the quilt for Beth Novak Of modern jax. She wanted a white background with bright fabrics. It is now on its way to Massachusetts and then making progress around the world.
Have you seen this cute pattern? I remember at Christmas time, hostesses were attaching those cute little charms to wine glasses so their guests could tell which glass was theirs. Great idea. But I like this one better. This free pattern from Creative Grid serves as a coaster as well as an identification piece for wine glasses. I would make each one in a different color or design to make it easy for the guest to make a quick identification.

Until next time,



  1. Cute block! We had some storms in the afternoon, my mom's street flooded. A lot of folks lost lights around here too, fortunately we didn't.
