Sunday, June 20, 2010


“When our soul feels safe, when we have relationships that nurture us, then our souls feel safe to grow and create.”
I read this some place and thought about my relationship with the quilting world. When I first started quilting, I was often amazed about how the women would ohh and ahh over a quilt that I thought not to my liking. Over the years I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone at the Attic Window Quilt Shop tell another person during show-n-tell that their work was terrible and they should have done this or that. Somewhere along the way it dawned on me: Quilters are nurturing and giving and realize that even though that pattern might not be to their liking or that the color choice is not theirs, others are proud of what they do and that is what matters. The above quote is true. When our soul feels safe, we feel safe to create. What do you think? Has the quilting world made you feel safe to create? Are you able to experiment, screw up, learn, and experiment again without fear of someone trash talking about it? Let me know what makes you feel safe.
I made the above windmill quilt out of 30s fabrics from my stash. My 30s stash is in great need of reduction so I’ve been trying to use them up. The aqua border lends a more modern touch to those 30s fabrics, don’t you think?

These coloring book bags are for my dear friend who has three little ones. I filled them with coloring books and crayons to help the little ones stay busy during the summer when there is “nothing to do.”

I love this new site I found (new to me). It even has free quilt classes on line. Hope over and take a look at the Lyn Brown Quilt Blog

Quilt, Knit, Run Sew has a great way to audition your quilting design before you start to sew.

Until next time,


  1. I totally agree with you on the quote, and LOVE LOVE LOVE that aqua border!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for listing me on your blog. That vinyl audition tool really is useful to me as I get better and better at stitching on my fabric without marking. I'm having a nice evening sipping on a cup of tea, and browsing through your blog.

  3. You've hit it, Caroll, that must be why I feel free to quilt - heaven knows my quilting is FAR from perfect, lol. But when I blog something, or show it off, most everyone has something nice to say. All but hubby - who always thinks I should've done something different - but I tell him he doesn't count. The day HE makes a quilt, he'll count.

    Love your pinwheels, the aqua border sets the blocks off perfectly! And your coloring book bags are too darling, the kids will love them!

  4. Love your quote and I couldn't agree more. Quilters are truely caring people.
    Love the pinwheels quilt. It is fun, cheery, and brings about a feeling of comfort.
    Great idea to keep children entertained in those idle summer moments when there is "nothing to do".
    Have a super great day.

  5. Hi Caroll,
    I totally agree with your quote. My quilt buddies that I road trip with all like very different styles of fabric and quilts; we never fight over the last bit of the same fabric!
    And I can tell you I appreciate the work that goes into quilts that I would never want to attempt.

    By the way, I'm not a 30's quilt fabric person, but I sure do like your quilt! The solid aqua border really makes it lively. And did you do your own quilting? It's gorgeous.
    Take care.
    Vicky F

  6. Beautiful quilt and I so agree with you on the quote.

  7. Your border is the perfect touch to your quilt, I love it!


  8. THose bags are such a great idea! You're amazing.

  9. I do agree that we should all feel safe to create and get positive feedback. We've all seen plenty of designs and color choices that wouldn't be to our personal taste but there is usually SOMETHING to be postive about, even when you see a project that could curl your toes. We hope if someone took the time to DO a project that they did their best and with that in mind they should be encouraged. We all get better as we go. I don't know what I would do without my face to face friends offering suggestions as I audition ideas.

  10. I love your quote and agree that the quilting world is very nurturing in a number of ways. My quilting friends have proven to be some of my best friends and have helped me through tough personal times. As well, they inspire me to be more creative, get more done, be more bold with my choices, push the envelope, etc. They teach me so much as well. Thanks for being one of those friends, even if (so far anyway) it's been a "virtual" friendship! :-)
