Monday, August 30, 2010


Remember the Batting Buddy that I blogged about here? I want to show you what I did with the block that I made.

This is my new sewing kit. When Barb did the demo for using the Batting Buddy, I noticed she had a sewing kit with her. She told me that Sally had given her the idea to make it using the block she made with her Batting Buddy. I said to myself, “I can do that.” You use small snack zip bags and sew them to the center. On this website that I will tell you about, it said to use the stronger freezer bags, but I didn’t have any. I’m such a pack rat and after going through my junk, I found several of the smaller, thicker bags and used them as well as my “sandwich” bags. They worked perfect for holding that smaller item like a bobbin or button. I was going to make a tutorial but while blog hopping one day I saw this nice tutorial that you will love.
UFO-rphanage Quilters has a great tutorial to make a sewing kit just like this. There are lots of ideas for different shapes and sizes. I also liked the suggestions for other uses for these little kits, such as younger children could use it for puzzles, games, etc. A person who does beadwork would make good use of it. It can also be made into a first aid kit, or used for meds when on a trip. There are a million ideas. Check it out.

Until next time,


  1. That is too darling, and a great idea! Thanks!

  2. What a great idea! I'm always worried the bags will perforate and tear out easily. How is it holding up?

  3. So far it is holding up just fine. I did put the scissors in their case before I put them in the plastic bag. I thought it best to protect that sharp point.
