Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This is my latest block for the Around the World Quilting Bee. It is for Brioni. She has asked for small trees that she will later make into placemats. What a great idea.

This is a shot of the contributions others have made so far as Brioni's quilt travels around the world. She’s going to have so much fun with all these blocks.

This is another great find at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. This fabric is Winter Wonderland Flannel, a Tricia Santry Design for Blank Quilting. Not only are all these snowmen so cute, but I can just see my grandchild snuggling up in this warm flannel.
It’s been chaos around here. We had winds yesterday and again today. I didn’t turn on my computer all day yesterday, thinking that was the safe thing to do. I thought this was smart thinking since we did lose electricity for a couple hours. Now this morning my printer/scanner won’t work. Gads! It’s always something.
Speaking of chaos, A Little Bit Of Kaos has a cute Jelly Roll Tutorial for you. Enjoy

Stay Positive!


  1. What wonderful and imaginative tree blocks. They are fun, fun, fun. Thank you for sharing and for another great link.

    Have a super great sewing day.

  2. WHO doesn't love a good Christmas tree quilt? I think those blocks are all wonderful and bright and fun! I love coming in here and checking out how you are being creative. Love the "stay positive" mention.
    I LOVE this time of year!

  3. Oh, those trees are really cute. Isn't it amazing all the variation you're getting? Very cool. Yes, the winds are amazing! We are feeling it here!

  4. Cute block! Glad you got your power back - we never did lose ours, but it sure was blustery, wasn't it? I waited to turn on my computer til tonight. I hope you get your scanner working!

  5. The blocks are so cute and would make a lovely quilt.

  6. Lovely quilt blocks and it is great to see all the different blocks folks are stitching up!

    Have you had a chance to visit and find all the great sewing/quilting links posted there yet? It's a great way to get a glimpse of what other people are quilting/stitching and sharing!

  7. Oh! Thank-you for linking to me! *warm fuzzy*
