Thursday, October 14, 2010


I noticed that quite a number of bloggers are posting what is on their design wall, so I decided to join in the fun. Eagerly, I grabbed my camera and ran to my sewing room, only to discover that my design wall looked like this (above). It occurred to me: I think I might have an attention problem. I start a lot of projects (there are so many wonderful ones that I must try), and don’t seem to finish anything.

I tried this block when I saw Scraps and Strings and Empire BOM posts about their Ticker Tape quilts. It looked like so much fun and it was. I love this block and put it on the design wall, planning to make more. However….

Before I could make another block, I saw the Teens & Tweens, Quilting Fun with Family & Friends book by by Anita Shackelford and Jennifer Perdue and had to try a block that I saw in there. I liked the above, and planned to make more as I am sure my granddaughter would love it. However…

I had a Fiber Arts meeting that night and became inspired to try rusting fabric. I came right home and made this(above). Do you see the fabric beads? Click on the picture for a closer view. You can learn how to make them by going to Sew Many Ways. Karen has a great tutorial for making fabric beads! I had fun with this project but don’t know what to do with it, so it stays on my design wall…waiting for inspiration. However…

I got a pattern on a small card called The Cut-Up by Pieced Tree Patterns. I thought this would be a nice way to use up those 30’s fabrics. Because of the fabrics I used, however, I thought the blocks looked dull, so I had to make some bright flowers to appliqué on them.

Before I could finish another block, I saw a new blog 15 Minutes Play by Bumbe Beans and had to try using up some of those scrap. Then…

These flowers keep calling out to me. They were left over when I made the quilt from Kim Schaefer’s book Flower Festival. I love them and can’t toss them, so I do plan to make a table runner with them (maybe). Anyway, I plan to use them someday.
To top it off, I went to the library today and picked up another quilt book, “City Quilts,” by Cherri House and have to try something in there. I love modern quilts. So, it’s off to the Attic Window Quilt Shop to get some plain fabrics.
So, tell me…is it just me, or do all quilters have this problem?
Saw this on the Quilting Board. Liesl Made has a tutorial for a folded star hot pad. Check it out.

Stay Positive!


  1. Your blocks are so colorful - you are definitely one creative quilter. I love the leftover flower blocks. I have this book and I need to make some of these soon. Happy stitching-

  2. You are no worse than most quilters- and you're way better than me if these are all your UFOs! I have SOOOO many projects half done.

    I love those leftover flowers. And the other flower squares are so cute, too.

  3. please cross your fingers that I finish the little blanket for my granddaughter in time for Christmas. If I can do that, then only 9999999 more projects are waiting to be finished
    You see, You are not alone
    HUgs Gunda

  4. LOL well now we all know we share the same issue. Caroll you design wall is beautiful. I'm glad you can't see mine; it's so full of brilliant thought nuggets but none of them seem meld together into one cohesive thought or pattern. That's quiltese for "mess". :) Fun, isn't it!

  5. That is so funny. I have the same problem. This year I am really focusing on finishing some of mine to get them out of my sewing room. It gets too full and overwhelming sometimes. And lately, not many things are tripping my trigger enough to make big quilts until I finish some of the ones I love and have already. So, I guess that's good! Pat Sloan has started a UFO buster series on her blog. She's going to have like 12 UFO busting tips over the next few weeks. She already posted one. I'm going to try to follow along and get a handle on my UFOs, too. You have some fun projects started!

  6. Love seeing your design wall Caroll, you have gorgeous projects on the go there. Yes, mine does sometimes look like this too! xo

  7. Quilters don't have ADD - we just need different projects going on at the same time to keep us creative. :)

  8. I LOVE those flower blocks - both sets! I have the same problem, I think it goes with the territory, lol. We see faster than we make, I guess.
    And thanks for the heads-up on the book - I just put it on hold at the library, lol~

  9. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that does this. My not creative sister can not handel that I don't finish anything. It drives her crazy. She one of those people that ahve Chrstmas shoppong and wraped in Nov. and not the end of Nov the beginging of Nov. I don't know hoe we get allog but we do. LOL

  10. My favorite block is the tulip. I've never had ADD until quilting. And yes, I have it now!
