Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I’ve been busy this week running mother to various doctor appointments.  She’s really doing well for her age.  She sleeps until about 11 every day so I have a chance to spend some uninterrupted time in my sewing room.  This week I’m still making mug rugs.  Maybe I’ll have them perfected soon.  Every time I make one I try a new technique or way of doing something.  I’ve discovered the using the envelope method for making a false binding, really doesn’t work for me.  I must not be able to sew a straight line because the edge curves in like this [  I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. 
I was at loose ends this morning, not wanting to get into a big project, so I went blog hopping.  I was visiting Stash Manicure (see link on sidebar) and came across some interesting blogs.  Carol at Mamacjt blotspot calls herself the Queen of Mug Rugs. She is correct. Check out her blog and see some of her darling Mug Rugs. She is quite the artist. I got the idea for the above snowman from her. I wasn’t going to make a “Caffeine Carpet” with a holiday theme because I thought it too limiting. Who wants to see a snowman in the middle of summer? However, I gave in when I saw all the cute ones Carol has made.

Are you making Christmas gifts? Here’s an idea that is almost as quick and easy as a mug rug. Ava Landen has a nice tutorial for making napkins with mitered corners.

I have put up the last free pattern on my sidebar.  Some of you may notice that this is the same pattern from Last December.  It has been a year and I though instead of just stopping it, I would post this last one again for those who didn't get into saving them until the first of the year.  Enjoy!  (Besides, my copy/scanner broke and I can't deal with it right now.)

Knotty Girls Stitching Bee meets tomorrow evening at the Attic Window Quilt Shop so I should have some new things to show you later in the week. 

Stay Positive!


  1. Caroll those are just darling - I love your snowman and don't see a problem with it at all. Very sweet! Thanks for the December pattern, that is precious!

  2. I'm with Allie. I don't see the problem with the snowman....I am not familiar with the "envelope" method you are talking about. Sounds interesting, though!

  3. I like all the mug rugs and I would love to make one before the end of the year. I do not see anything wrong with the snowman, he is very cute.

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