Friday, November 19, 2010


 I’ve been busy making Mug Rugs.  What fun.  I’ve seen these lovely little creations posted on other blogs and they have inspired me to get to work.  Above is a collection of what I’ve been doing.

 These are my favorites.
 This is a close up of my first one.  I got the idea from Paloma at Three Kitchen Fairies.  I love her simple artistic style.  Check out her blog and be sure and visit her Esty shop to see her other creations.

This is the mug rug I am currently working on.  I think I will use the yellow fabric for the binding and backing.  I also got the idea for this design from Paloma. Wish I were creative and could come up with my own ideas. These mug rugs are such fun to make. I wonder if anyone will be making mug rugs on Christmas Craft Day?

Mark your calendar now for CHRISTMAS CRAFT DAY at the Attic Window Quilt Shop on Saturday, Nov. 27 from 9 a.m.—5 p.m. Class is FREE. Kits are $5—$10. We are working on some neat Christmas gift ideas. Stop in at the store that week and see the projects

The WHIMSICAL NORTH POLE BOM is now up in the shop. The books are here and starting Jan. 3, you can stop in anytime each month and pick up a $5 kit to complete a block of the month. There is no class, so sign up before Jan. 1 and receive a special discount on the book.
Presser Foot has a tutorial for a beautiful scarf.

Stay Positive!


  1. You have been busy! I love the flower one! I think that's my favorite. I like how bright and cheery it is. Well done! I'd like to see the Whimsical North Pole BOM. Any way you can post a photo?

  2. Your mug rugs are just wonderful...I want to do some but no time right now....but soon..very soon.

    Your Aunt Millie block below looks wonderful!!
