Sunday, January 2, 2011


 If you didn’t make it to the Attic Window Quilt Shop on New Year’s Day you missed out on a wonderful sale! The place was jam-packed with everyone looking for that special fabric, pattern, or book. It was like old home week as people were chatting like crazy and hugging someone they hadn’t seen in a while. What a fun day it was! What made it the most fun was this…..

I met Stephanie of Peas in A Pod (that's her on the left). She is my new BBF (Blogging Best Friend). She came up all the way from Kalamazoo to take part in the sale and for us to meet. That was so sweet of her. We’ve been corresponding over this past year and it was so nice to finally put a face with the e-mails. I wish I had gotten a picture of her daughter too, but Sweet Pea was playing in the back. The shop has a small area full of lots of toys to entertain children while their mother shops. Sweet Pea is a cutie and so mature for her age.

I had suggested that we all have coffee after shopping but the shop got so busy that I was volunteered to help and didn’t get to go. I’m dying to get to know Stephanie better and to sit down and have a real conversation with her. I want to know more about her visit with Edyta Sitar and if she has started that quilt. I want to know how she likes her new iron. I want to know more about her gadget cozies and is she still making dolls. There are a million things I want to talk to her about as I feel as though I‘ve known her for years. She’s that comfortable to be around. I know Stephanie had a couple other stops to make while in Grand Rapids, so I stayed behind.  I intend to get down to her area soon so we can catch up and share blogging and quilting ideas. Stephanie, thanks so much for making the trip to GR. I hope we can get together again soon.

On another note:  Are you like me, ready to get back to some kind of routine? Before Christmas, when all the decorating was happening, my friend Susan said she wasn’t doing any decorating this year. She was going to her kid’s homes and no one was coming to her house so she just saw no reason to decorate.

I, in all my smugness, told her that I was decorating. I did it for ME.

What a load of crap! As I ran up and down the stairs putting away all my Christmas decorations, I knew Susan was right. I’m getting to old for this. No one came to my house during the holidays. I was the only one who saw those decorations, and I vowed right then and there, next year will be different. I may put up my tree. How much effort does that take to plop the tree upright, push down the branches, plug in the lights (it came pre-strung with lights), and hang a few bulbs. But nothing else. NOTHING!  I can enjoy all the decorations at my kids and friends houses.

Oh, look… snowmen. January is snowmen month, isn't it.  Maybe just a few....on the walls/doors, just sitting around....

Blog of Note:  Several times during the holidays I was looking for something cute and clever to put my rolls/muffins in. Well no more just plopping them in a basket and covering with a napkin. I’ve found this clever idea and intend to make several. Gingercake has a vintage inspired dinner roll holder. Check it out.

Stay Positive!


  1. Hi Caroll,
    Great post (as was your previous one). I didn't make it over to the store for the sale, but looks like everyone had fun!
    Thanks for the links you always provide to other people's sites.
    Vicky F

  2. Hi Caroll,

    It was SO FUN meeting you! I haven't gotten my blog post done about our meet because I want to take photos of what I bought and I haven't done that yet. I hope we can get together again really soon! You were so sweet to volunteer in the shop. Wow, was it busy! I have never seen a fabric store that busy before! I know they appreciated the help.

    I know what you mean about the decorations. I don't have mine put away yet. It's on the agenda for this week. In years past, I haven't gotten them out because we've been traveling so much over the holidays it hasn't felt worth it. But, Sweet Pea asked for Christmas at home this year so we could have a tree. She'd just at the right age for it all, so we got all the decorations out, got a tree, etc. So, I did it for her this year. But now I just dread all the work to pack it all back up. She's so helpful getting it out. I doubt she'll be as helpful putting it all away! haha.

    Looking forward to talking again soon! :-)


  3. Wah - I would have LOVED to get up there! Used to be this was the time of year I bought all my fabric [well, a lot of it] for the coming year. I'm sorry you didn't get to go with Stephanie!

    I'm looking forward to when the boys move out, I'm not going to put up any decorations either. Maybe a few that belonged to my grandmother, but that's it. Our tree is half-naked in the living room, waiting for someone to put the rest of it away, and I have a bad feeling it's going to be me.

    You can always take lots of pics and show off your decorations here, Caroll!

  4. Wow, Saturday looked like such a blast! I'm so glad you and Stephanie finally got to meet in person!! I really wish I would've driven up too! It's on my list of to-dos for sure, especially for New Year's day!! I'm looking forward to a visit there soon.
