Thursday, February 10, 2011


I have to show you what I’ve been up to lately.  I finished this table topper.  You can see it and purchase the fabrics at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  There is no pattern, as it was one of those things that you make up as you go along, but maybe some day when I get my act together I’ll put together a tutorial if anyone is interested.  When I first started quilting, I fell in love with the soft pastel colors of the 30’s fabrics.  I don’t know what happened, but over the years my tastes have changed.  I know these bright colors are not to everyone’s liking, but I love them.  I think I’m a gypsy at heart.
 This is a close up.  I started out making the French knots in the center to hide my poor quilting; however, I soon tired of that and gave up trying to make enough knots to cover my mistake.

I did some embellishing too. I thought maybe the black thread would tone things down a bit and bring out the black in the binding.

For those in the area, the new Attic Window Newsletter is now available on the sidebar. Check it out.

This is interesting. With Heart and Hands has a recipe for a Cellulite Coffee Scrub.

I saw this on the Quilting Board. These instructions are for making a carrier for your rotary mat and rulers.

Stay Positive!


  1. All my favorite colors in one place! Yum!!!

  2. I love it Caroll, it brings out MY inner gypsy! I love brights - maybe because our winters are so long and grey?

  3. I love bright colors and bright spirited people! Happy eve, Em

  4. I love the bright colors, too! This is really very pretty! Nice work!

    For some reason, I also like the "primitive" and "dark and dirty" colors, too. I sort of go back and forth between them. Isn't that weird? They don't go together at all!
