Thursday, March 17, 2011


Recently I have noticed many bloggers posting about making a block for quilts going to soldiers. I was visiting Alamosa Quilter and saw that she was making blocks too. She said, “Moda is coordinating making quilts for the Quilts of Valor program. These quilts will be given to Marines injured in the line of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are asking folks to make a star block and send it to them. All the details can be found on the Moda blog post for Just One Star. The deadline for star blocks is May 1, 2011. They don't want just any star block. Click on the link for the block pattern. The block pattern link is to a two page .pdf pattern file. The first page shows a picture of what the finished quilts will look like and the second page is the instructions. They need 1800 blocks to make 100 quilts.”

I decided to make a few blocks too. (Lynn I hope you don’t mind my copying you. I couldn’t have said it any better and I wanted to get the word out.)


You may have read on my blog that I’m not much into piecing, mainly because I'm not very good at.  Something like this (above) drives me nuts!
I want all my points to look like this. They say practice makes perfect (or something like that), so I’ll make a few more blocks and see if I can improve. I hope you will join us in this worthy project.

Stay Positive!


  1. Looks good to me!! I'm with Sue, I hope there are so many!!

  2. {grin} I saw the plea early this week and happened to pick up a cute little stack of "Nautical & Nice" at a quilt shop closeout sale on Tuesday. It's the perfect shades of blue and red for this project---I'm geeked!

  3. Your block doesn't look any worse than mine! I don't take close-up shots so you can't see if the very tip of the point is cut off. I can assure that all of my points are not perfect on these blocks. But I've got 4 made, two blue and two red. They'll go in the mail soon.

  4. Oh good for you Caroll - I didn't try this because I KNOW I'd end up with wonky stars. I'd have 15 queen size quilts worth of wonky stars before I got a good one.

  5. thanks for your comment re: my SIL's quilt! I've made 2 red stars and will make 2 blue...somehow it will help me say thankyou to our men & women in the services.

  6. Carol-I think your block looks fine....however, it sounded to me like they were requesting a cream color for the background. Yes?

  7. Anonymous, good question. Most of the blogs I saw these on looked like they were using white background fabric. But when I read the first page of the instructions it does say a cream background. Then on the instruction sheet is says "light tonal" for background. I originally thought red/white/blue quilt. Now I don't know what to do. I'm going to see if I can find a light cream to use. Thanks for the heads up!

  8. Caroll, I have seen this going around the web, too. I would love to do it, but given I can't catch my breath, I may have to pass. I think your block looks great, and I wouldn't worry about that point. You say you aren't good at piecing, but I would say you are very good at it from this block! Well done!
