Monday, May 23, 2011


I took the day off last Friday and met with Stephanie from Peas In A Pod, and then we drove to Marshall, MI where we met up with some fellow bloggers and quilters.   We met at Marshall House Quilt Shop, did a little shopping, and then went to lunch.   This is us in front of the restaurant where we ate lunch.   Left to right, are Linda (Quilted Pineapple), Mary, Patti, Stephanie, and me.  What a fun group.  Each of us has different interests in the quilting area, and it was nice to exchange ideas and get a different point of view.  You know how it is with a group of women; we get so excited and jump from one topic to the other.

One of the things we discussed was how much fun it would be to get fellow Michigan bloggers together.  We all have something that we could learn in the blogging area…shooting better pictures, writing better copy, knowing what readers are interested in, how to create a button for our blog, how to create a video.  I could go on and on.  We decided also that this get together needn’t be just for bloggers.  Readers are welcome too and would have valuable feedback for us.  We wondered too, why just Michigan bloggers.  If you are willing to drive to Lansing, Michigan (we thought that would be a central place) you are welcome. 

Stephanie and I talked about the “conference” during our drive home.  She wrote about our conversation on her blog today and since she said things so much better than I could, I’m going to copy her here:

 “We think it would be fun to meet IRL (in real life) with all you wonderful people.  We're thinking of a long weekend (like come on Thursday night, stay Friday and Saturday, and head home on Sunday).  We thought it would be fun to have some speakers on topics like writing good blog content, taking better photos, using video in your blog, etc.  Also, maybe some little sewing projects, but we can't decide....maybe it should be more about blogging.  And maybe some stuff about how to start a blog or webpage for those of you who read blogs and want to come...
So, tell us what you think.  Please leave a comment about any or all of the following:
  • Would you or your friends be interested in coming?
  • What do you think this group should be called?
  • Where should it be?  (We're thinking a central Michigan location, like Lansing.)
  • When should it be?
  • What kinds of topics would you like speakers to cover?
  • What else are we forgetting?
Caroll and I thought we should start small in Michigan (but those of you who live in Indiana, Illinois, and so on who would want to come are certainly welcome!), but I could see this being popular and going bigger over time.  We'll worry about that later.  Tell us what you think of our idea.”

You can read Stephanie’s entire post here.  I hope you will leave a comment on one of our blogs telling us of your interest and thoughts on the matter.
Stay Positive!


  1. I posted on Stephanie's blog but had to post here too.... WHAT A WONDERFUL IDEA! I'm so geeked! I'll keep my eyes open :)

  2. Looks like the great minds Of MI got together....and personally think it is wonderful but unfortunately, I live in Virginia.

  3. Saw it on Stephanie's too - brilliant idea - we had a get-together here in my area, Made By Rae was hosting them. It was great, but not all quilters.
    I think it's a wonderful idea, Caroll!

  4. Yes, you know I'm in! It was such a pleasure to meet you in person! I really enjoyed our lunch, but it was way too short! FYI...why do I look like a giant in that photo? Lol!

  5. Caroll, great post! I think we need to keep moving forward with planning and see what it brings. We need to ask people to repost our posts to get the word out even more! Hope all is well with you!
