Thursday, June 23, 2011


I was in my sewing room on the computer blog-hopping when Mother wandered in and announced, “I need to do some shopping.”

“We just went to the grocery yesterday.  What did we forget?”

“Not there,” she said rolling her eyes making me wonder if I had somehow morphed into a two year old.  “Home Depot.  I need some things.”

I almost asked her what - a jack hammer, a band saw, a gallon of paint, but thought better of it.  I knew the real reason why she wanted to go to the hardware store.  “Okay,” I said.  “Get your shoes on and we’ll go as soon as I finish here.”

I continued to blog hop, zoning out as I moved from one exciting blog to another and lost track of time.  An hour later, with full make up, dressed to the hilt, her hat on her head and purse hanging from her elbow, Mother announced, “I’m ready.”  I was right.  She was not fooling me.  Mother likes to go to the hardware store so she can talk to men!

I, on the other hand have loftier goals, like buying fishing line, a yard stick, some quarter inch dowels, and I wanted to wander the isles and see some of those cool items that Karen is always talking about on Sew Many Ways

I used to feel guilty about sitting at my computer for so long, going from blog to blog, reading about all the fun stuff to do and looking at the inspiring pictures.  Then I discovered three good reasons to blog hop.  
1. Satisfaction – One day I visited Barb at Bejeweled Quilts and saw a quilt she had made.  There was a link showing how to make a 10 minute block.  She suggested using this quick block to make charity quilts.  Great idea and I’ve started mine.
2. Fun – I love to gather gift ideas and start on my holiday gift making early.  Allie Ooops Sweet Happy Life is hosting a Christmas Through the Year Project and I can find all sorts of ideas there.  One day,  a link on her blog led me to a video showing how to make a disappearing 9-patch.  It looked like it was something even I could do.  I had a charm pack that I didn’t know what to do with so I made my first block.  I couldn’t stop with just one and ended up making two table runners for Christmas Gifts.  Above, one is ready for the binding and the other one is folded, waiting to be sandwiched and quilted.  Check out the Missouri Star Quilt Company for the video here.  
3. Create – Someone once said that a day spent without learning something is a day wasted.  Time spent blog hopping is never wasted.  I learn from and am inspired by the many artists who blog and share their ideas.  They prompt me to be creative.  I’ve rusted fabric, dyed fabric, shred, glued and sewed fabric, all in the name of creativity.  I’ve made creative blocks from WayneKollinger’s  designs and Em of EmCelebrates had me stretching my capabilities to make a Van Gough’s cat block for a group of students in Muncie, Indiana.  There are so many creative people out there I can’t possibly name them all.  However, I will mention Mary LouWeidmans blog. When I saw her story quilts I knew I had to try her wonky technique and create my own story.  I haven’t gotten very far so I’m only giving you a sneak peek.  

I’m sure you have a million other reasons to blog hop.  Just yesterday when I was visiting Barb at Bejeweled Quilt, she talked about the Beam and Read blog hop that starts Monday.  Then I was visiting Tallgrass PrairieStudio and she talked about a block party tour that starts Friday.    Feel free to leave suggestions in the comment’s section or send me an e-mail.  I’m always looking for something new and creative.    Just don’t ever feel guilty about the time you spend blog hopping.  Sit back and relax.  It will lead you to satisfaction, fun and creativity.

Now I have to leave my computer and go have a heart-to-heart with the sweet little 93- old-lady who found three strapping young men in the paint department and invited them to our house for dinner!

Stay Positive!



  1. Oh my gosh, you (and your mom) are too funny!!

    I do feel quilty when I'm on the computer to much - maybe I can take your advise and feel better about it.

  2. I love your post ~ it made laugh! Thank you for reassuring me that skipping along through blog land is a good thing ~ I too wonder at times! :) Way to go Mom ~ not one, but three young men ~ wowzers. Smiles ~ Brandi

  3. Very funny post. And how amazing that your Mom is still so active :-) I did a post on my blog about a really fun and easy tote bag. You can read about it here (with a link to the pattern) -

  4. I love your mom.....I am sure you two are a hoot together. Thanks for the shout outs.....this Beam N Read hop should be alot of fun....

  5. Glad that your are getting so inspired. The blog hop will be fun! I am so glad that I am a part of it!

  6. I feel less guilt already...thank you! Your mom is way too funny!

  7. What a fun post you have today. You brought smiles to my house. You have some great blogs. Hope I can look at them more closely soon. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day.

  8. Is that your mum? Holy cow she's gorgeous! No wonder she's out inviting young men to dinner, she sure doesn't look her age!

    Great post sweetie, I'll feel less guilty about blog surfing now!!!

  9. You are such a doll!!!!!!! I posted a comment earlier but it doesn't seem to have published. so...I LOVE LOVE LOVE you and your MOM is a HOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a rascal for a mom just like you and feel so blessed. THank you for the shout out amidst such talent that made your list! Love to you, Em

  10. that was too funny!! Good thing you're mom hasn't taken over the computer and found matchmaker or something, you would have no time for blog hopping!! Any hey, I'm blog hopping on your blog now feeling a lot fun on this one.

  11. Your mom and your stories of her are so great!! Honestly, they keep me smiling!! :-)

    Yes, blog hopping can be excellent therapy and forever enjoyable. Wish I had more time to devote to it!!

  12. Whoop whoop for your mom!!! And a whoop whoop for you, too - I like your disappearing 9-patch runners - it's such a versatile pattern and can be used for so many things!!

  13. You are too funny. I love your mom, and you are a chip off the old block. I would have known that was your mom if you hadn't told me...just from looking at her. I really like your disappearing 9 patch runners, too. I should try that. I really want to have a sew day with you someday, with a goal of making a couple of Christmas gifts. This is such a great post. I love your thoughts here!
