Thursday, August 18, 2011


I first met Mary Lou Weidman about three years ago when the West Michigan Quilt Guild (WMQG) invited her to teach a couple classes and speak at their Guild meeting.  I took those classes and heard her speak and I can tell you personally that she is a joy!   I joined her Yahoo Group and we have kept in touch via e-mail.  When she sent me two books and asked me to give one away one, I was thrilled.  Not only to own a personalized copy of the book  Out of the Box With Easy Blocks  by Mary Lou Weidman and Melanie Bautista McFarland, but it has given me another chance to meet you wonderful quilters who have entered the contest.  A special thanks to all of you who entered.  I wish I could send each and every one of you a book .

And now for the winner….drum roll….since some of the contestants entered via e-mail and others from the blog, I thought the only fair thing to do was to put each of the 33 names on a piece of paper and put them in this box and shake.  Then I had mother draw a name.  Since she is nearly blind, I don’t think she could possibly see any of the names on the small pieces of paper.
And the winner is….Farm Girls Designs. I don’t even know your name, so if you will send me your name and address, I’ll mail the book to you ASAP.  Congratulations Farm Girls Designs!

Thanks again to everyone for playing.  Head on over and check out Mary Lou’s  blog for more wonky designs.  Her swaps are great!
Stay calm! Stay kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Look at those lovely nails - your mum has beautiful hands, Caroll! Congrats to Farm Girl! I'm so jealous you got to actually meet Mary Lou....

  2. Congrats to the winner!!! I agree, your mom's nails are beautiful!!

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  4. Hi I'm Lynnsey (farm girl designs)! I'm so excitied about winning this book. I can't wait to start working and quilting outside the box! my email is

    Thanks a million

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  6. Shuckey darn! I was hoping it would be me! :-) But that's okay! Congrats to the winner! Thanks for the awesome giveaway, Caroll!

  7. Congratulations to the winner! I know you will have great fun with this book.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day.
