Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Does this look familiar?  Becky Goldsmith spoke at the West Michigan Quilters’ Guild Tuesday evening.  Her topic was “Working With Color.”  Becky, with her partner Linda Jenkins, owns Piece O’Cake Designs.   “Fresh Picked Posies” is one of their newer designs. 

“Whimsical Garden” is also by Becky.  She said that most of us walk around with our eyes open but we don’t look, we don’t really see.  She said that when she looks around she sees pattern, color, texture.  She finds a lot of these when looking at nature.
Becky says that the eye tends to see high contrast first.  She talked about hues, primary, secondary, tertiary colors, shades and tints.  She said that value is the most important thing in a quilt.  Value is how light or dark a color is.  She said to contrast light against dark but also contrast what is different.  The above quilt “Picasso’s Garden” is the focus of the class she will be teaching Wednesday.

If you are nervous about color, Becky suggests that you use a monochromatic color scheme.  Two color quilts can be stunning.  

She suggests if you have a picture of a quilt, that you make a black and white photocopy of it to help you see where the lights and darks are placed in a quilt. 
The above quilts do not necessarily go with the subject line beneath the picture, however, I wanted to show you all the wonderful quilts that Becky brought with her.  Becky is one of my favorite designers and I love her work.  I took this close up of one of the blocks so I could see the detail.  I have this pattern and am anxious to get started on it.  However, Becky did say one thing that has me a little concerned.  She said that she has an entire quilt, blocks, applique pieces, sashings, borders, all pinned to her design wall before she ever takes that first stitch!  You can tell by looking at her quilts that she puts a lot of thought into her work. Many thanks to WMQG for having such an excellent speaker and teacher.

NOTICE!  Don’t forget, the First Saturday Bee and the First Saturday Sampler Class will not be held at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this Saturday (October 1) due to the Shop Hop.  The Bee and Sampler Class will meet the following Saturday (Oct. 8) at the usual times.

CountryCreations has some cute free patterns for you.

Stay calm! Stay kind! Stay Positive!



  1. Thanks for sharing all this, Caroll! I don't think I'm patient enough to have it all pinned on my design wall before taking a stitch! LOL. That's some self-control. :-) Looks like it was a great meeting and very interesting!

  2. I especially like the whimiscal garden and I think it would great with wool fabrics. Hugs Judy

  3. Hi Caroll,
    Good synopsis of the lecture. It's great you some time free to come.
    I think I "see" more than some people (I work with a couple of people who are famous for not noticing things). Now after this lecture I will pay attention to what draws my eye first, and which direction the light is coming from (based on the values of the colors).
    Vicky F
