Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The other day when blog hopping I came across a video by Missouri Quilt Company with a pattern by 3 Dudes.  I don’t normally have time to watch a video, but for some reason this caught my eye, and I’m so glad I watched it.  I love how the above block turned out.
I don’t feel right about showing you a step-by-step on how to make this block.  You’ll have to go watch the video for that.  In the video she shows you how to make the block using a Jelly Roll, however, I didn’t have one, so I just cut my own strips using these fabrics.
You can put the blocks together like in the first picture or like this.
Or you can put them together like this.
This is one way you can put lots of the blocks together.
This is the table topper that I made with these blocks.  I loved making this block and hope you’ll give it a try too. Click here to watch the video.
The Harvest Shop Hop begins this week. Fourteen shops are participating. You won’t want to miss this big two-weekend event!  The Hop is Thursday, Sept. 22 through Sat., Sept. 24 and Thursday, Sept. 29 through Sat., Oct. 1.  A bus is available.  This is the tenth year for the shop hop and the shops are going all out to make it a special event.  The passport is only $10 and you will receive free patterns and a pin. Call the Attic Window Quilt Shop to register.
Stay calm! Stay kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Thanks for sharing the link to the scrappy block. Can never have enough ways to use strips. Your table topper turned out so cute!

  2. What a bright and cheery table topper!! Love it!! Thank you for the link to the video. Missouri Star Quilt Co. is a great place to visit.

    Thank you for sharing and have a super great sewing and stitching day.

  3. Wow! That is cool! I've got two jelly rolls in my stash and no projects in mind for them. I'm soooo doing this with at least one of them. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Caroll I love that block! I'll have to go see, thank you! I like the way you put them together best.

  5. I wish I didn't have so much going on, I would love to make this topper..yours looks great!

  6. Caroll, you are also so willing to try out new things, and with such fun colors. The blocks look great!

  7. Thanks for sharing...now I am off to watch the video because I love your little toppers!! Very cute!

  8. I really love this technique and the outcome. I was thinking of coordinating a charity quilt and/or block drive for something at WMU this year. I think I'll use this as the block! Thanks, Caroll! Your little topper is sooooo cute! I wish I could think like that....NOT everything needs to be a giant quilt!

  9. I love your quilt too! My kind of colors!

  10. Table topper is awesome!! Looks a lot like a Schnibbles pattern. I'll have to check out that video!
