Friday, September 2, 2011


I’d like to introduce you to our mascot and protector at the Knotty Girls Stitching Bee the other night at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.   In the picture above, Maggie is holding her newest "baby," Sadie.  I think Maggie had to fight each one of us that night because we all wanted to take Sadie home with us.  I don’t understand why Maggie won’t let us do that ;0)
This is the block that Maggie was working on.  The pattern is Antique Butter Mold from The Woolen Needle.  Maggie is using wools on a cotton background.  I love this block, but am not into wool.  Wonder how this would look in a bright fabric?
I had to show you this quilt.  Isn’t it stunning!  Mary Holt (Maggie’s mother) made it.  Maggie said that she picked out the fabrics and that her mother pieced it.  I admire all her precise piecing.  Gads, I wish I could piece like that!

First Saturday Bee meets at the Attic Window tomorrow so I’ll have more pictures to show you.  I love to see what others are doing.

Bits From The Scrap Basket has lots of links to tutorials that might be of interest.  Check it out.  
Stay calm! Stay kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Oh no! Another pattern! Love the colors/design of Mry Holt's quilt! Can you find out where she got the pattern? Thank you! Love these updates!

  2. LOL! I was so caught up in Mary's quilt I missed the shout out to my blog! Thanks, Caroll!

  3. Love that quilt on the wall, Caroll! It is great!

    I think that block would look fun in brights. I hope you give it a try. I would love to see it.

    That pooch is so cute. I would have been fighting off urges to steal it when she wasn't looking. LOL.

    If you get this before you go today, could you ask about the Cotton Club for me? I think it was supposed to start in September. Maybe I'll call the store myself today.

  4. Aww, Sadie is adorable! Love that block and quilt...yum!

  5. What wonderful quilts, blocks, and puppies you are showing us these days. Wonderful work, everyone! Thank you for sharing.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day.

  6. Gorgeous quilt and block, I would want to take Sadie home too, how could you resist that gorgeous furry face?!! xo
