Saturday, September 17, 2011


 What’s this?  
This is a Cling On wearable, magnetic holder.  I’m such a sucker for gadgets.  I saw it when I attended the Marshall Quilt Show and had to have it.

No matter how many pair of little scissors I have, I tend to carry them when I leave my sewing machine to go to the cutting table or ironing board (I purposely have them steps away because it makes me get up a walk!).  I have a pair of scissors at each station but I seem to absentmindedly pick them up as I leave the machine and lay them down someplace, and when I get back to sewing my scissors are not there.  I thought this would solve the problem.  You just put one disk inside your clothing, the other on the outside and they magnetically attach.  Now you can keep your scissors with you at all times, or use it for pins or other small tools.  Of course you do not want to use this near electronic equipment, cell phones, computers, credit cards, etc.  I don’t have any of that in my sewing room.  And the man who was wearing it and selling it was standing right next to his sewing machine so I figure I’m safe.  It won’t be ON my machine which has only a very small computer in it.

Little Birdie Secrets has an interesting tutorial for quilting gloves.  You have to check this one out!

Stephanie over at Peas In a Pod had an interesting post on color.  I love these colors, don’t you?
Stay calm! Stay kind! Stay Positive!


  1. With my luck, I'd fall and pierce an sewing room is so small, I'm never far from my scissors, lol. I too have several pair scattered!

  2. Love your gadget. I am a sucker for them, too! LOL. Thanks for the shout out!
