Sunday, October 2, 2011


This quilt is Nellie Durand’s entry for Art Prize.  “Imelda’s Dream II” is 70” X 70”.  It was so crowded that I couldn’t get a good picture, but you can see the entire quilt on Nellie’s blog here. Doesn't she do fantastic work!
I think the theme for Art Prize this year must have something to do with recycling because so many of the entries were from recycled materials as is this “fire” dog.  
Someone took an old car and attached all these recycled materials.  There was even a handle from a toilet used as a door handle on this car.  Note on the front it says "Send Help."  What a hoot!
“Crucifixion” is one of the top ten in line for the big prize.  Mia Travonatti created this hand-cut stained glass mosaic.  It took 2,500 hours to create.  
This is believed to be the world’s largest contemporary cut paper art work.  I always wonder, where do you find paper that size?
And last but not least, if you have ever wondered, here is your answer as to what to do with that old sewing machine!  

I read the paper this morning and was surprised at how much I have still not seen after spending two days down town!  Oh, well, my brother is coming up from Florida later this week and we’ll have to go take in some more of these wonderful sights!  

Don’t forget to take a look at the calendar on the sidebar for all the upcoming classes.  Buffie’s "Entwined" class on Tuesday is for a quilt with great impact.  The entire quilt is made from just three blocks.  

Maggie has a "Hen and Checks 9 Patch" class on Wednesday.  She has a new technique for making these cute 9 patches. 

Stay calm! Stay kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Fascinating. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Looks like fun. I haven't been able to make it. Glad you got to go!

  3. Really appreciate you braving the crowds and posting the Artprize pictures. Thanks.
