Wednesday, October 19, 2011


My dear friend Stephanie from Peas In A Pod sent me this lovely block.  She knows how much I like applique and said that she thought of me when she saw this at a recent quilt show.  I love, love, love this.  It is reverse applique and I admire its maker.

This is a closer look at the block.  The blue background square is just a little over 5 ½ inches.  The inside green square is just 2 ½ inches.  Can you imagine doing all this reverse applique and embroidery on just a 2 ½ inch square?  I cannot get over the beautiful work.  I can’t see any stitches and the circles are so round and even.  Whoever did this is an expert!  Stephanie said I could do anything I wanted with the block.  Her suggestions included – put it on a pillow, a purse front, in a quilt.  However, I am on a search for the perfect picture frame because I have just the spot for it on a wall in my new bathroom.  Thank you so much Stephanie for such a thoughtful gift! 

Alamosa Quilter has a nice tutorial for a Trash Bag.  I thought I’d make up a few of these as Christmas Gifts. I know.  Sounds funny...a trash bag for Christmas.  But I could put a roll of tall bags in it, or fill it with cookies, or a stack of crochet dishcloths, or applique napkins.  There are any number of ideas to go inside these little bags.  I want one for my car.
Stay calm! Stay kind! Stay Positive!


  1. What an awesome block....

    I saw that tutorial, love it.

  2. Gorgeous block! Very sweet of Stephanie!

  3. WOW - that is very cool and very small!! I can't imagine working that tiny! What a sweetie Stephanie is, it's just gorgeous!

  4. So glad you liked it, Caroll. It is just exquisite, isn't it?! I really admire the work, myself. I had to really look at it and study it, because I couldn't believe it was all done by hand. It's so perfect and tiny! The colors made me think of you, too!

  5. Love the block you received. The colors are wonderful.

  6. Wow! That little block is so pretty.
