Wednesday, August 22, 2012


The other day while blog hopping I came across s. o. t. a. k handmade and saw that Svetlana had made a couple different name tags.  It was for a challenge for her Modern Quilt Guild that had just started in her area.  I thought about our Happy Scrappers Bee and how we are getting new participants each month.  It is such a wonderful/inspiring group and I’m anxious to learn everyone’s name.  And, of course, I want them to know me too, so I decided to make my own name tag.  I did this in the hopes of inspiring others in the group to make name tags too.  After all we are a scrappy group and what better way to use those scraps than make name tags. 
Do you recognize any of these fabrics?  Some from the modern pillow I blogged about last week, some from the Monster Patch, some from the quilt I just finished and will bog about next, and some from my Modern Monday blocks.  I wish I had had some cute little scraps on hand like Svetlana did in her first name tag, but I didn’t.  So the above is what I came up with.  Not bad.  I hope you will be inspired like I was to make a name tag.  It really is helpful for old/forgetful people like me.  Rosa in our group made a darling name tag and has worn it from day one.  We sit next to each other.  She has become my best friend.  I never forget her name.  I’ll try to remember to get a picture of it at our next meeting. 

You can get a head start on your Christmas decorations at This Year’s Dozen.  There is a nice tutorial for a Mug Rug Set.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Hi there, thanks so much for linking to my Christmas mug rug set. So nice of you.


  2. Darling, Caroll! I have one that I wear and it always surprises me how much more quickly others remember my name and that I am a one 'M' Michele, too! Now, Caroll, is a quilter's name of another 'l' challenge..but it's a lovely one and a great nametag!!!!

  3. Love your name tag. It is a great idea. In my old age, I cannot remember everyones name anymore! It is not a bad idea, for wearing anytime when you are at a quilty event. Now you have me thinking some more!!

  4. That is so dang cute, Caroll! I never need a name tag, unfortunately, but if I do I'm keeping this in mind.

  5. Great way to use of the scraps...looks fun!!! and spunky!

  6. This is really cute. The tiny patchwork, how fun!

  7. Hi Caroll,
    I love your name tag! It's so you!
    I lost the formal one I made when joining my bee a number of years ago (it's in some basket). I just need to make a new one to find the old one...
    Vicky F

    p.s. thanks for including me in your blog roll! Now I have some pressure to get going!

  8. That nametag is so cute! I love it! Well done! Good for you!
