Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The Happy Scrappers Quilting Bee met last Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop and I have lots to show you.  Above is the first of three quilts that Peggy brought to show us what she has done with her scraps.  Isn’t this beautiful!  I love how she has used all those scraps and brought the entire quilt together with the beautiful yellow background.
Peggy was working on this beautiful small quilt.  I’d love something like this for a table topper.
The photograph does not do justice to this awesome quilt that Peggy made from Kaffe Fassett fabrics! It is stunning.
Most of us start out quilting large squares when we make our first quilt.  Judy made this darling little quilt  - it was her first attempt at machine sewing patches together – and she made it with one inch squares!  Yikes!  I think it is wonderful and looks perfect to me.  She is embroidering the two center rows and around the borders and is going to add tiny buttons too!  I can’t wait to see the finish!
I had to share this with you.  Judy said she didn’t make it, but this is a cover for her tabletop magnifying glass.  She said you have to be so careful with a glass like this because if the sun hits it just right, it could start a fire.  She knows from experience!  I love this little bag that she slips over the glass.  The ribbon embroidery is exquisite.
Brenda shared her thread catcher made of selvage.  I love the cute little bobbins on the front.
Yvonne made this darling wallhanging. I think this was a class at the shop.  There were four different wallhangings, one for each season.  This is “Summer” and is so cute.
We should never let these two get together.  You can tell from the look on Yvonne’s face (left) that she and Rosa (right) are planning something.
 I think it was just after I took the previous picture that Rosa yelled out, “I hear a man’s voice.”  About a minute later a woman, trailed by this handsome man, came wondering through our section of the shop.  Of course, this was followed by lot of whooping and hollering and cat calls (from all of us) that made the poor man blush, but he did wave and let us take his picture.  (I was laughing so hard the picture is a little blurry). What a good sport he is.  What an outstanding husband! I saw a note on the chalk board the other day!   I bet he’s the one who calls the shop and tells his wife she can buy anything she wants.  LOL
Buffie has added a class to the calendar.  Tea Leaves (the above quilt) is an economy cruncher, stash buster kind of project.  The class will be held on Saturday, Sept. 22 at 10 a.m.  This class is about color, contrast, and using your scraps.  Call the shop to register and get your supply list.

Patchwork Possee has a cute pattern for an owl wallhanging.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Hello Caroll, Love the photos of all those lovely quilts. I especially loved the beautiful Silk ribbon embroidery cover for the table light. The hubby is definitely a good sport. Hugs Judy

  2. I love scrap quilts! And it looks like a really fun group!

  3. I love all the goings on! I wish I had been able to come! I need a clone. that hubby looks like a really good sport, and those two women are certainly plotting something! ;-)

    That class looks fun! Are you going to do it? I should go check my calendar.

    How come it shows your post was posted at 3:00 am? You weren't really up at 3:00 am, were you?

  4. caroll,
    thanks for putting me on the blog, AGAIN!!!

  5. My husband always says when I die he's going to look for another wife in a quilt shop cuz that's where all the women are! I tell him "go for it, but we're not cheap!"
