Tuesday, November 13, 2012


The Happy Scrappers met Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  I so look forward to spending time with these women.  They are always upbeat and ready with a good laugh.  They always have good things (besides food) to share.  I want to show you some of what they were working on.  Above is an apron and little itty bitty hot pads that Tari makes for 18” dolls.  They are so cute!  Tari said she’d be willing to make some for sale.  I don’t know how much she charges, but if you are interested, send me an email and I’ll forward it to her.
This quilt is what Colleen is working on.  She said her 91-year-old mother cuts the scraps into squares and Colleen sews them together.  What wonderful memories this quilt will hold for her.
Above, I was able to capture a picture of some of the gang.  Even though a few of our usual participants were absent because they were on retreat, we still had so many that I couldn’t get everyone in the picture.  Rosa, you’re not in the picture!
These tea leaves are what Judi worked on.  It’s coming along nicely and it looks like Judi is achieving the gradation that she wants.
I was so glad to see Stephanie join us.  It seems like forever since I’d seen her.  It is a distance for her to come and I was so happy that she made the trip.  Between our gabbing and catching up, Stephanie worked on making grocery bags.  She completed three of them.  I love the fabrics she used for these reversible bags.  I bet they will make nice Christmas gifts for some special friends.
Buffie showed us a quilt that had us all drooling.  She said it is a stack n whack; however, when she explained how it is done, it is not like any stack n whack that I’ve seen.  We’re hoping she will hold a class on this one.

Me, what did I do?  I worked on hand appliqueing tea leaves to my background squares and spent a lot of time talking and seeing what others were doing.  What a fun day.  I needed a day of socializing and giggling with my quilting friends.  It makes all the cares and concerns disappear for a while.

On Another Note:  A Spoonful of Sugar has a tutorial for making gingham stars.  Check it out.

Stop over and see Denice’s Day for a wonderful recipe.  I’m making some for the holidays.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I'm so glad yall had a good day!

  2. what a cool day full of fun!! I love the gingerbread apron, i want to make one in my size,:). And that is a very cool and very unique unique stack and whack or stack and slash quilt!!!!!!

  3. It was so good to see you. I haven't had a minute to post. Poo. Well, I can tell I've gained 25 or more pounds back. Drat. Oh well.

    I didn't know she was selling those aprons. I'm interested!

  4. I don't know how I didn't know about this place! I'm from GR! It looks like a wonderful group of ladies and it looks like so much fun :) I'm gonna have to stop in some time!
