Monday, November 26, 2012


Happy Monday!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday.  We have another Modern Monday block today.  This is block number 58, Four-Patch Snowball.  It was an easy and quick block to make for which I’m thankful.  I was busy getting ready for Thanksgiving and didn't get to this block for the Modern Monday Quilt Along until Sunday.  I am exhausted and glad that I was able to quickly get this block completed.  Hop over to Alamosa Quilter and see what Lynn’s block looks like, then go to 42 Quilts and see what Jennifer has for us this week.

On another note:    Just in case you didn’t get enough sweets over the weekend, check out this cute tutorial at Truly Custom Cakery for making a melting snowman cookie.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I was thankful for an easy one too. I didn't get mine finished until after dinner last night. I had to wait until this morning to take a picture.

  2. It looks good, Caroll! Nicely done. Can't wait to see it all together again!
