Friday, November 16, 2012


This is the second part of the Knotty Girls Stitching Bee show-N-tell.  They met Wednesday evening at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  What a prolific group.  I took far too many pictures for one post.  So today I’ll start out with Fran.  She is one busy woman and the picture above is the first of the items she brought to show us.  By the time Fran started showing us all she had done, there were so many in the group and some still arriving, that in the confusion that I didn’t get any names of patterns for you.  If anyone is interested, let me know and I’ll contact Fran and ask.  Above is a wool table topper that she made.
Fran also made this wonderful bag!  It is awesome with lots of ribbon and wool embellishments. 
Next, Fran showed us this beautiful quilt that she said will be used on her table on Thanksgiving.  It is made of cottons and wools.
Fran also made this cute little bag.  I wish I could work in wool.  All these pieces are just awesome!
And last but not least, Fran showed us this striking quilt that she made from a kit.  She also quilted it herself.
You may think you have seen this gorgeous quilt before, but not this one.  This wool wallhanging, a Pennys From Heaven pattern, was made by Cindy.  If you look at this one then look at the one in yesterday’s post made by Colleen, you will see the difference. 
Cindy also made this Zippy Strip bag (pattern by Atkinson Designs).  It is so charming with its cute little flower and wide rick rack.
This is the quilt that I promised you in yesterday’s post.  Sherrie made this awe-inspiring quilt.  It was last year’s Sampler.  I love the way she finished it. 

On Another Note
Don’t Call Me Betsy has a tutorial for a double flip HST.  Check it out. 

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. This is making me wish I could work with wool too, Caroll! What fabulous projects!

  2. Hello Caroll, Thanks for sharing all the photos of the wool creations.They all were fantastic. Loved them all. I missed seeing them. Very sad indeed. We should have an official show and tell at the front of the area so where everyone could see them. Hugs Judy

  3. These are all such beautiful works!

  4. STUNNING!!!! Thanks for sharing!! Such inspiration!!

  5. I love the bag! The ribbons on it are neat!

  6. Stunning work, ladies! Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing!

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!
