Friday, November 2, 2012


 Rosa came to class at the Attic Window Quilt Shop on Thursday ready to get down to work.  First she had to show me her latest accomplishment.  She made this ruler caddy.  Rosa designed the pattern herself.  It has two pockets and can carry all those long rulers in one bag.  Great job, Rosa.
 While we were at the Feeling Groovy class, there was also a Doll Marathon going on at the shop.  I’ll post pictures of that next week.  However, I did want to show you these fabrics that Julie made.  Julie teaches the doll class and has her own blog (see sidebar) and is one talented lady.  I had a picture of her but as it turned out, it was too blurry to print.  This is a close up of her hand dyed fabrics.  Aren’t they beautiful!

 There were all kinds of body parts and dolls in various stages of development around the shop.  Someone thought this little doll needed a mask for Halloween.  These gals are a hoot!
Despite all the body parts hanging around the shop, Rosa and I were able to get some work done on our Feeling Groovy quilts.  Above Rosa is surrounded by her beautiful batik fabrics and intent on having something to show for a day at the shop.  However, we did take time to decide that we were  definitely going to meet for class during the next doll marathon.  Those doll makers had the best pot luck lunch and shared with us.  Not only do those gals know how to create darling dolls, they know how to cook too! It was wonderful and we thank them so much!

On Another Note: Pile O Fabric has an interesting Triangle Wheel Quilt Block for you.           

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I hope I get to visit Attic Window Quilt Shop someday. You ladies sure know how to have a good time!

  2. Rosa is awesome. I love this. Can't wait to see you next weekend!
