Thursday, December 27, 2012


Another reason to celebrate!  My mother will be 95 years old this week.  She’s always smiling like this.  I’m so lucky to still have her and her wonderful positive attitude.
This is my beautiful daughter with Mother.  My daughter is a saint!  I appreciate her and all the help and support she gives me and attention she gives my mother.
The other day when I took Mom shoe shopping, we parked to go into the mall and she said, “I think I’ll just wait in the car.”  That’s the only funny story I have today.   I think Mother had a pretty exhausting day.  Me too!  Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.

On Another Note:  This might be fun to try during the holidays.  Melissa of Happy Quilting has a nice tutorial for freezer paper printing.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Aww Caroll she's adorable - I LOVE her smile, she looks great in the Santa hat! Your daughter is just beautiful! Merry Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to your mum!!!

  2. HOw wonderful. Please wish her a Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful new year.

  3. Looks like you had a great time with relatives!

  4. What a lovely family! Best Wishes to all!

    Have a Happy, Happy New Year!

  5. Your mom rocks. I just adore her. And your daughter is the spitting image of you. Just gorgeous! She looks like a sweetie, and I know she is!
