Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The Happy Scrappers met last Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Usually the group is so large that it is difficult to find a space for your machine.  Apparently, December is a very busy month as quite a few members were unable to attend. (I was one of those absentees).  Jill, who works at the shop, graciously agreed to take pictures for me. This beautiful lady with the wonderful smile was knitting a rag rug.  I hope she brings it back as I really want to see it.  Look at the size of those needles!
Above, Brenda and Ruth look like they are picking out new fabrics. Buffie often refers to these two as the troublemakers.  I wonder why? (Check out that wrapped rope snowman basket sitting on the counter.  You can call the shop for more information about that and upcoming classes for rope wrapping.)
Lee Ann looks like she was having a good time and staying out of mischief.  Since the Happy Scrappers is such a popular group, another meeting day has been added to the schedule.  Look for a Wednesday Happy Scrappers (in addition to the Saturday one) on the January calendar.  Both the new calendar and Newsletter will soon be available.

On Another NoteThe Brown Needle has a tutorial for non-slip patchwork seat cushions.

Also:  Remember the Reindeer patterns (still available by clicking on the tab at the top)?  Lynn at Alamosa Quilter has taken a couple of the blocks and made the cutest pillows.  Check it out.  What wonderful gift ideas!

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I've got some clothesline I bought to make a basket like that snowman. I like the snowman better than any of the baskets I've seen though. Might just make one of those instead.

  2. I love Lynn's pillows! :-) So sorry we both missed the scrappy bee. Maybe in Jan, huh? It will be good to see you, friend.

  3. That looks really fun, Caroll, sorry you missed it - but yes, a very busy time of year~!

  4. Sorry that you missed the meeting. Looks like some fun projects going on. Thank you for sharing. Your link to the Brown Needle is great. I know owner of that blog and she is one great lady.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  5. Thanks for posting the Reindeer Games all in one place. I was saving these each month to do at a later date but lost them and now it looks like Prancer is coming up twice and I can not find Comet. Thanks for any help & Merry Christmas!
