Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Can you believe this Friday is February 1st?  Where has January gone?  A new month means the February meetings of the Sampler Series are being held at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  I participate in the Sampler Series in the hopes of improving my piecing skills.  We are supposed to come to each monthly meeting ready to show our blocks that we have made from the previous month’s instructions.  Naturally, I put off making my blocks until the last minute.

Each month we are to make a 12” block and two 6” blocks.  Today I made the large block and one of the smaller blocks.

Above is a picture of the sample blocks that Chris made to show us how the blocks should look.  I took this picture so I wouldn’t forget.  Notice:  Right away when I looked at that picture today I noticed I goofed on the first block.  The black flying Geese are in the wrong place, but I’m not about to unstitch it.  The smaller block turned out okay.  Now notice which block I did not do!  It must have over a thousand little pieces in it!!  Yikes!!  And it's only a 6" block!  I will make it…someday soon, when I’m not so tired or busy or …well, I will make it.  After all, this is to help me improve my skills, and it looks like this block will put those skills to the test.  For those of you in the Grand Rapids area I ask you…Do you have your Sampler blocks finished?

On Another Note:   Are you ready for Valentine’s Day?  Quilt Inspiration has a whole slew of free hearts and valentines patterns.  Check it out. 

PS:  It is now thundering and raining and poor Mr. Snowman is gone.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. The last one does look like a challenge. If the instructions don't already tell you to do so, I suggest you make the HST a tad bigger and then cut them down to size before piecing the block. I have the formula posted on my blog if you need it in the tutorials tab. Good luck!

  2. Does not matter that the black and red geese are in different spots. Your block is perfect! Look at those point! Caroll, you're an amazing piecer. You should not be suggesting your piecing needs work!
