Friday, January 11, 2013


I stopped in at the Attic Window Quilt Shop earlier this week and got some pictures I want to share with you.  Above is the awesome quilt that Judy A. brought to Bee for show and tell.  She said her husband designed the picture and she worked it up in wools. 
This is a close up so you can see the red bird in the tree branches as well as the small pine cones.  Can you see them?
 Judy thread painted this little bunny next to the grass.  Judy said that she found the oval frame she wanted, but it was white, so her husband painted it to make it look older.  She said she then had a dickens of a time finding the right color matting.  When she did she had the picture matted and framed and glass installed and then hung the picture in her home.  She indicated that she intends to have one of these lovely ladies for every season.  This is truly a work of art Judy!
Also while at the shop Jeanne B. showed us her most recent finish.  She said she started this when Sally had a BOM at the shop back in 1998 or 99.  I love how the blocks look all together.  It makes a lovely quilt.  My blocks are still in the pizza box.  Great job Jeanne!
Judy also showed us this string quilt that she is getting ready to quilt.  She said she blamed Jeri C. for this quilt as Jeri is the one who got her going on this addictive technique. 
Jeri C. was working on a stitchery.  Don’t you love this one?  Check out the look on the snowman’s face.  I probably look like that when I’d rather be quilting too, which is most of the time, especially when housework calls.

ON ANOTHER NOTE:  Love Laugh Quilt has a wonderful tutorial for an adorable doll.  I may have shown this before.  If so I’m sorry, but I just love dolls and this one looks like a fun one to make.  I know I’ll have to make several.
ALSO: Shabby Fabrics has a new BOM.  Check it out. 

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. That picture is beautiful! :0)

  2. The picture is stunning! Such detailed work! I love her muff.

  3. Judi Dickens wool stitchery is very very lovely and the wee bunny is soo very cute. Lovely creations including the frame. The other quilts are also very pretty. Hugs Judy

  4. Pizza box. Snort. I don't have UFOs that old....but only because I hadn't gotten back into quilting yet that long ago. haha.

    I love that picture. I also love the muff. :-)

    I love the last embroidery, too!

  5. Beautiful pictures. I am especially in love with the red/white quilt!
