Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I hope everyone had wonderful holidays!  Are you like me, glad all the business and activity is over and eager to get back to routine?  Above is just something I've been working on and anxious to get back to.  I'll tell you  more about that later.  I just wanted to get your attention to tell you some very important things.

The New Attic Window Newsletter is out.  You can read it by clicking on the sidebar on the lady with the hat.  Or you can view it here.  You can also click on the picture of the calendar on the sidebar for a look at a full month at a time.

There are lots of new classes and upcoming events that you won't want to miss.  THE NEW 2013 SAMPLER begins in January.  This year the kits/class is only $5.  Call the shop to register for one of the many classes held each month. 

Stay tuned for more information of upcoming events such as the Heart of Winter Tour which takes place on February 9th (remember last year I posted about it here).  What fun!  Also the Spring Fling Shop Hop is in April and the Quilter’s Road Trip is during the months of April, May, and June.  Details for these events and the many new classes at the Shop are available in the latest Attic Window Quilt Shop Newsletter.
 One of the new classes is this We're All Ears Bunny Quilt.
Another is the Whimsical Garden Block of the Month.  Above I took three of the blocks and made them into a wall hanging that is now hanging in my new laundry room.

I'll try to get more pictures of upcoming projects soon.

On Another Note:  You might want to look into this Skill Builder that Pile O' Fabric is having.  I think I'll participate.  Still trying to improve my skills. 

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!

1 comment:

  1. Are you teaching the Whimsical Garden one? When? Cute! I need to call Maggie. She called me in FL and told me she'd send my first month of the BOM but it isn't here yet. I am already signed up for two BOMs and there is a new one I want to do. I am in so much trouble.
