Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Thursday, January 24th, is Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day and a great time to visit the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Why?  There are a lot of reasons why.  The shop is staffed with knowledgeable people.  There are interesting classes.   Perhaps the most valuable thing the shop offers is community.  It is a place for people of like interests to gather.  There are Bees and Stitch-Ins and charitable groups such as Quilts for Wheels and Cancer Kids Quilt Group.  Chris, the shop owner (seen above) is a savvy buyer who keeps a wide variety of fabrics, books and patterns available.   Sometimes pictures are better than words, so let me show you around the shop. 
 These beautiful fabrics were on the "Sale" shelf when I went for a recent visit.

 Look at all the notions!
 This is the Kansas City Troubles Corner.
 This is my favorite isle. Can you guess why?

I will be forever grateful for the Attic Window Quilt Shop and its owner.  Thank you Chris and thanks to your staff for such wonderful service.  Today I’d like to urge all of you to visit your Local Quilt Shop.  If you visit the Attic Window on Thursday and make a purchase you will receive a free fat eighth.

On Another Note: Blue Elephant Stitches has a tutorial for a Texas Star Quilt.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. That would be my favorite aisle too!

  2. I won't be able to frequent my LQS on Thursday. My busy day at work. Plus, they have been bleeding my wallet dry all week getting ready for the Feathered Star quilt. LOL!

  3. Just curious, WHO designated this to be Local Quilt Shopping Day? Thanks.
