Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Last Saturday I attended the Sampler class at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  There was some Show N Tell, too.  Above Judy shows us the quilt she made using the Lil Twister tool.  She said she saw the pattern on Freemotion By The River.  Isn’t it darling!
Judy also made this table runner.  The pattern was the one offered by the shop during the Heart of Winter Tour.   Won’t this green look nice on her table during the month of March?  I love the clover that she stitched in the squares too.
Judy also showed us this quilt.  She calls it her all male quilt because each of the blocks has “man things” on it.
This is a close up of one of the blocks.  I sure wish I could find that fabric!
Chris also did a demonstration using a new tool that she has in the shop.
This ruler is the Double Strip Tumbler ruler.
Above you can see how the pieces go together.
As you can see, along with the ruler, there are several patterns available also.  Everyone was talking about the Red Solo Cups pattern.
Above, those attending the Sampler class hold up the blocks they worked on this past month.
I’m placing this on the blog for those taking the Sampler class.  These are the blocks we will be working on this month.  Several women have asked me to post a picture so that when they get home and forget what fabric is to go where, they can look at the blog for verification. (If truth be told, I'm doing it for me.  Memory...oh, where for aren't thou?)

On Another Note:  Check out Just Quiltin for some free bird patterns.

Linking up to Freemotion By the River.  Check it out.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. That's a cool new ruler. I haven't seen that one. I've seen the ones for triangles made by that company, but not the tumbler shape.

    I do the same thing sometimes - post photos to my blog for future reference.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing Judy's quilt, beautiful! That ruler looks like it would really be fun to use! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  3. You ladies are busy!! Love the blocks, table runner and quilt! Great work! The tool looks so useful. Great link as well. Thank you for sharing!

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  4. Caroll ~ please check your email ASAP for an email I just sent seconds ago. It's a very nice email that you might really love so look for that and let me know if you do not get it since I know some go into junk boxes quite often anymore.

    I had seen that ruler shown here awhile back (or another similar with the three templates in one (or whatever it's called) and though it was pretty neat. I still haven't bought it yet. I remember Julie from Jaybird Quilts showed a tutorial to make a quilt on her blog using the one she had. For some reason though, I seem to recall the one she used may have been triangles.

  5. Red solo cup pattern. snort. That's funny. I like that. Cool tool. I have the twister tool in like 3 different sizes. But I've never used it. haha. so me.
