Monday, April 22, 2013


I love this cute little pouch.  The design is Bridget’s Bagettes by Atkinson Designs.
Here it is again with a few things inside to give you an idea of the pouch’s size.  Some of you may know that I have problems with piecing, but I think I may also have problems with reading instructions.  I got so far into making this pouch and then I just could not understand what I was to do next.  I finally drove up to the Attic Window Quilt Shop and asked for help.  The person trying to help me also had difficulty understanding what should be done.  Anyway, my finished pouch looks slightly different from the picture on the pattern.  However, I like it this way.  Actually, I like my way of making it best.  Three different sizes for this little bagette are included in the pattern.

ON ANOTHER NOTEQuilters Road Trip is being held during the months of April, May, and June.  Twelve area shops are participating.  You get a chance to win a $25 gift certificate each month at each shop.  Also available will be new projects, patterns and giveaways.  Passports are only $5.


A Bright Corner has a tutorial for a Strip Tube Quilt.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I've had problems with instructions a time or two myself. Your little pouch looks great! :0)

  2. I won 2 patterns for tote bags and the directions are so complicated that I haven't looked at it since I first received them. I'm about to pass them on to others and see if someone else can use them. I have never had something with instructions that I couldn't eventually understand.

  3. You know, looking at doesn't seem like it would be that hard to make. I have read patterns though that just don't make any sense to me and I have found I am really a visual person too.

  4. You know, looking at doesn't seem like it would be that hard to make. I have read patterns though that just don't make any sense to me and I have found I am really a visual person too.

  5. Looks great to me whether you followed the pattern exactly or not! I'm currently trying to write a couple of patterns. It isn't easy to write directions that make sense to someone else!

  6. It sure looks great. I forgot to answer your email about this. Sorry. I have a pattern for a bag similar to this. I'll have to look to see if it's this one. I sure like how yours finished. I hate poor instructions!

  7. The only time I had problems, I was in TEARS over the instructions - I had never heard of a placket and couldn't understand how to do it. After I figured it out [finally], I started a yahoo group for making the pattern, lol! Wow did we have trouble.

    Hey Caroll, how are y'all holding up over on your side of the state? Saw the flooding on the news and just couldn't believe it. I hope you're staying dry and that the storms coming don't get you wet!

  8. Love the bag and the way it shows what you have inside! Great idea! I so know that instructions can throw you for a loop from time to time. I am always making my own way of doing the same thing. Looks good to me. Thank you for the super great link.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!
