Thursday, April 18, 2013


What is it about women and shoes?  I’ve read that buying shoes have had a mystical effect on women and they've made comments like:
  • The act of putting on a new pair of shoes can make you feel happy.  
  • They make an outfit.  
  • Shoes replace men…they don’t talk back. 
Well maybe that’s not why the women at the Attic Window Quilt Shop wear these bright tennis shoes, but I got so excited when I saw them that I had to take pictures.   I caught Jeanne Bird at the Jodi Barrows meeting the other night wearing these brightly colored shoes (shown above).  She looked so darn cute!
Then Saturday Stephanie showed up at the Happy Scrappers wearing these shoes.  She said that you can special order these shoes from Converse.  You design your own shoes.  Stephanie said that she picked out the colors, the stripe on the rubber, the shoelaces, grommet, and had her name printed on the back.  
This is the back of Stephanie’s shoes.  She is a PhD, but had this put on the back of her shoes because that is what a friend calls her - StephPhD.  Don’t you just love these shoes?
And you saw Adrienne’s shoes in an earlier post.  I love these bright colors.  Hey, Adrienne, did you get these in New Zealand when you were there?
On another note, during our Happy Scrappers meeting Saturday, I showed Stephanie the The Square in a Square® ruler that was shown at the Jodi Barrows Trunk Show recently at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Above Stephanie tries out the ruler.
Here, Stephanie made three rounds on the square.  You can see the left over fabric on the side.
Look what Stephanie did with the leftovers.  Pretty clever.  Stephanie did a wonderful post about her experience with the ruler.  You can read her informative post at Peas In A Pod.

ON ANOTHER NOTEKelsey Sews has a tutorial for a wedge pillow. 

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I love this post! I love shoes. I have a serious shoe addiction. I think it's because they don't have to fit over my hips!

    I saw that photo of me cutting the block. But when I saw it I thought, "Who's that cutting my block? What old lady was cutting my fabrics?" Seriously. I did not recognize my own hands. They look so old! ARGH!

  2. Love the blocks! Love the shoes! I always seem to miss the colorful shoes. It all looks to be great fun. Great link and tutorial. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day.
