Friday, April 12, 2013


Jodi Barrows the designer of The Square in a Square® system visited the Attic Window Quilt Shop Thursday evening.  I am still in awe of all the various quilts you can make from one ruler and Jodi’s system. 
I found this on The Square in a Square®  website:  “…this system is a process that anyone can implement in most any design. Jodi has written twenty-four books (ten of which have been on the best seller’s list), four novels, produced four tools, two video/DVDs and five teacher’s books. Additionally, she has a series of pattern books and fabric lines based on a series of fiction novels that were written from the 1856 time period about the Mailly women. This series is based on the women in Jodi's family."
I didn’t make this quilt, but did make one like it many years ago.  What a fun wall hanging to make.  Jodi tells me that the book that holds this pattern is no longer in print but will be available for FREE soon on her website.
I didn’t take pictures of all the quilts in Jodi’s trunk show, but I’m going to show you a lot of them, for two reasons.  (1) I want you to see what you missed.  (2) I want to show you as many quilts as I can so you can see what you can do with just one ruler!

 Did you know when making a nine patch block you have 81 opportunities to mess up?
Above, Jodi's handsome husband of over 35 years helps show off the quilts.

 During the course of the evening Jodi told stories of her life growing up and why she decided to develop The Square in a Square®  system.  She wanted accuracy and speed. There are 39 options in this system, which means there are 39 various ways you can use the ruler.  This ruler not only has these options, but it helps you create accurate points, squares and triangles.
 Who would think that you can create this Storm at Sea with this ruler?

 See the little trumpet shapes in these blocks above and in the quilt above this one?  You can make those with this ruler!

 This quilt is amazing.  During the evening Jodi shared stories of her family history or American history as told in this quilt.  It is called her Pony Express quilt.  I learned so much when Jodi was explaining the various blocks in this quilt.  Did you know that the Pony Express lasted only 18 months?  Did you know that a rider could only ride a horse ten miles and then had about two minutes to change to another horse to go the next ten miles?  It took a letter about ten days to arrive at its destination. 

 After the meeting, those in the audience gathered to look at the quilts, tools, fabrics and books available to purchase.  (Hi Rosa!)  All in all, this was an informative and interesting evening.  I enjoyed seeing the various ways the ruler can be used and also enjoyed listening to Jodi’s stories.  She’s not only a great quilter, but a great story teller as well.  Be sure to stop by her website and watch the videos to see how unique this ruler is and how you should use it.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Looks like it was a ton of fun! What a great trunk show. I wish I could go to the one in K'zoo today. :-(

  2. Looks like there was a good turn out. All the quilts are so pretty!
