Monday, April 29, 2013


 Today I thought I’d show you my progress on Ruth’s Quilt. 
I call it Ruth’s quilt because earlier this year at a Happy Scrapper’s meeting, Ruth (above) showed us this quilt.
Here is a look at the entire quilt.  She said it was a great way to use up those scraps, or those “ugly” fabrics that you no longer use.  I thought this was a wonderful idea because I have lots of fabrics that I purchased when I first started quilting and now never use because my style has changed.  I wouldn’t call them “ugly” fabrics.  They are just fabrics in a color that I no longer use.  Ruth’s quilt seemed like the perfect answer.  A great way to reduce that stash!
 As a rule I don’t like repetition quilting.  I get bored so easily.  However, this is a perfect quilt to work on when you are at a Bee and can just sew without much concentration, which allows you to socialize with your friends.  You can see my project box filled with the cut rectangles and squares used in this block, and that I have been making progress.
No concentration is needed when sewing these rectangles together, then sewing them into a block, and then adding the gold sashing (a color I had to throw in to perk up this quilt).  Thanks Ruth for such a wonderful idea!

ON ANOTHER NOTE:  I love fabric and am always looking for a new way to use it.  Make It & Love It has a clever idea.  Check it out. 

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Your blocks are coming along so nicely! I agree, it is great to have a no-brainer type project to work on with friends. Nothing is more frustrating than getting home from a day of sewing with friends and have to rip out everything you did because you weren't paying attention and did it all wrong. This would also make a great Leader and Ender project.

  2. Looks like you are figuring out how you want to put this together. I remember talking about it at bee that one day. Brainless sewing is good!

  3. Great quilt!! Love it and love the block!!! Very colorful and scrappy!! Well done! Thank you for sharing. Love your link as well. Great idea for decorating the light switch. Great for a child's room.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!
