Thursday, May 9, 2013


I had a crazy schedule today, but I wanted to stop by the Attic Window Quilt Shop to see if any of the Happy Scrappers had anything for Show-N-Tell.  Above, Buffie shows us her latest Tea Leaf quilt.
This is a closer look at her quilt.  I love how her inner border blended so nicely so that there is not a distinct line between the inner tea leaves and the outside border.  When you see mine, you will see what I mean as I added a solid blue fabric as my inner border.  Since I want to make another one, and have been collecting flower fabrics for it, I am now going to start looking for a fabric like Buffie used.
I also want to find a backing fabric like this.  Isn’t it lovely?
Remember that last month I asked for volunteers to donate these 12 ½” blocks for a charity.  The one above was made by Bev.  Thank you Bev for your kind donation.
And this one was made by Buffie. Thank you Buffie.  I love your colors.

It's still early and I'm looking forward to getting more blocks for this charity quilt.  There is no time limit.  I will make the quilt once I have enough blocks.  Don’t forget that the next Happy Scrapper’s meeting is this Saturday.

Remember the link I gave you yesterday for the scrappy block?  I saw scads of fabrics in the SALE section at the shop that would be perfect for those end pieces in that pattern .  Take a look when you come to the shop. 

ON ANOTHER NOTE:   I love this woven quilt that Moda Bake Shop has.  You can use the Jelly Rolls as suggested, but I also think this is a great pattern for your scraps.  Take a look.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Wow! Buffie has outdone herself again! Wish I could have seen that in person! And looks like you got some great blocks donated! If you need more, let me know!

  2. I love those log cabin blocks. I think I'll add that pattern to my list of things to do with my scrap group.
