Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Earlier this month, Cathy at Cabbage Quilts blogged about doing appliqué with scissors.  She talked about how she cannot draw, which made it difficult to design her own quilts.  So, she decided to skip the drawing part and just use her scissors to cut shapes then appliqué them to a background to make a quilt.  She said she found this method of cutting a little bit wonky, freeing and fun.  Wow, this sounded like my kind of thing!  So I set out to make a wallhanging like Cathy did.  Above is the result of my first try.
 I had written Cathy and told her how much I liked her wallhangings and that I was going to try to copy what she had done.  She wrote a nice note back that I should go for it.  Above is a close-up of my flowers.  I wish I had looked closer at how Cathy had quilted her flowers when I was doing mine.  I like how her quilting gives her flowers depth.
 I have a special place in mind for this wallhanging or else I might have made it a little longer.  I hope I have encouraged you, as Cathy did me, to try your hand at doing some improve designing and quilting.  As Cathy said, it is freeing and fun.

ON ANOTHER NOTE: If improve or applique isn't your thing, you might like this tutorial that Thread Bias has for a lovely modern crossroads block.  

PS:  I'm linking up to Confessions of A Fabric Addict today.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I love your wallhanging. What a great way to try one. Good job!

  2. Cute, Caroll! That's exciting that you could just cut all this!

  3. I love how cheery your wall hanging is! And that technique is great--one of my gripes about applique (as you just read on my blog!) is that I don't like how many times you're doing the same shape--tracing, cutting, stitching, etc. This eliminates much of that!

  4. Fabulous Caroll! I just love your fabric choices. I don't enjoy appliqué, as you know, but not having to draw/trace the pieces is more appealing.

  5. Very cute, Caroll! I will have to give this a try! Whoop whoop!!

  6. It sure looks like a lot of fun... And the colours just make you smile whenever you walk passed this wall hanging!

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