Thursday, May 16, 2013


Some time ago I came across a blog that I had to link to because I wanted you to see something special at Buttons and Paint.  There you could see a Storage Monster.  This is a little secret storage unit that you can make for your child to store his/her secret stuff.  I fell in love with this cute monster and had to make one for my great grandchild.
So I searched for an empty container and finally selected an empty plastic container that formerly held Citrucel.  I chose this over an oatmeal box because I thought it would be sturdier.  (He is four years old and a boy...need I say more!)
Then I went on a search for this fabric that looked all loopy and hairy and cute like the one that Buttons and Paint used.  I found a car wash mitt that fit perfectly onto the plastic container.  I then sewed on felt ears and tongue and added some orange yarn for the hair.
I found some wiggly eyes which were a bear to attach, but I did it.  Then I unscrewed the lid and placed candy, pennies, and a small truck inside the “secret hiding place.”   I screwed the lid back on and when I saw my great grandson last week, I shook the container a bit when I gave it to him.   He was thrilled.  I’m not sure the four-year-old quite understood the concept of secret, but he sure had fun with it. 

Buttons and Paint  has lots of cute other ideas for you to make, so be sure and check them out.  This seems to be a blog with many authors, so thanks all of you for this darling idea.

ON ANOTHER NOTESamelia’s Mum has a wonderful tutorial for a step-in-time quilt.  I love this quilt and think all you scrappy quilters will too.  Check it out.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. OMO! That is so cute! I love it! How creative. I'm not showing this to E. She'll want one and I don't have time! haha! I bet he loved it!

  2. Wow what a great version of the 'Secret Storage Monster'. The orange hair looks fab! No wonder your great grandson was thrilled!
    Thanks as well for the lovely mention of our blog :) Have added a link back to you on the post. Sian & Simi x
