Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I played this weekend and had to show you these two blocks.  The pattern is Dresden Stars and is in a recent issue of Quilt Magazine.  It is a paper pieced pattern with only two stitching lines on each square of paper.  What could be easier?  I made the above block first.  The only thing I was concerned about was that the center strip calls for a seven inch strip of fabric.  Well, I have lots of scraps and most are smaller than seven inches.
So I decided to “make” fabric for that center strip.  This is the block I made using small scraps.  I love making fabric and using those small “unusable” leftover pieces, however, I didn’t like this block as well as I did the first one.  I think I’ll dig out all my flowery fabrics and use them.  This pattern reminds me a little of the tea leaf quilt I recently finished, so I can visualize how it will look using those same fabrics.

Some of the Happy Scrappers were asking about another project.  What do you think about this one?  We could have fun as we did when we exchanged fabrics for the tea leaves.  

Quilting on About.Com has a tutorial for piecing a Bright Hopes block that has partial seams.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. That's fun, and I love the idea of making the fabric for the center pieces. Maybe if the outside was a very plain solid (i.e., white or ash), you might like it better? :-)

  2. Love paper piecing! Love the way your blocks turned out especially the first one. Well done!

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!
