Friday, June 7, 2013


I’ve been procrastinating on this quilt.  Actually it is a block from a quilt, Indian Summer, by Katie Jones of ImAGingerMonkey that I found in the book Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe.  I thought it was cute with the little bubbles around it, which I haven’t gotten to yet.  As I said, I’ve been procrastinating on this.  I want to make it into a wall hanging and am trying to replicate the color wheel.  I’ve auditioned tons of fabrics and I think it still needs some work.

DON’T FORGET that the Happy Scrappers meet this Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  I want to take this opportunity to remind participants to bring their Converging Corners  blocks.  Once I have enough, I’ll make them into a charity quilt.  I think these five that we have so far are a good start on a beautiful quilt.

ON ANOTHER NOTE: Six White Horses has a cute free baby quilt pattern. 

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I love your rainbow Dresden plate! What a great idea! :0)

  2. Love your Dresden Plate! It looks good to me! Love your converging corners as well. Your work is most excellent. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  3. Hey Carole, I just told my husband the other day, it is procrastinate because I am such a pro at it. lol
    Your blocks are lovely. Keep on trucking!!

  4. Your rainbow Dresden plate is awesome! I'm glad to see your converging corners block. I'll try to get a blog post done today for GLMQG with all the ones we collected. Wait until you see!
