Thursday, July 18, 2013


Above is a quilt top that I just finished.  It was part of a quilt-along hosted by Terry at Terry’s Treasurers     I blogged about it here.   Anyway, it is draped over the frame so I can study it and figure out what design I’m going to use when quilting it.  While blog hopping the other day I saw just the thing that might make this decision easier.  I’m so sorry but I spent the entire afternoon looking for the two blogs that told about this technique and I cannot find them.  So if you know, please leave a comment so I can include it here.
What is this technique?  The blog I read said to get a piece of Lucite at Home Depot, tape the edges, place it over your quilt and using a white board marker, draw your design.  Don’t like the one you just drew?  You can easily wipe the marker off and draw a new one.  I thought this was perfect and headed to Home Depot.

Picture this:  I walk into Home Depot and go to the door section as instructed on the blog.  I ask the clerk where I can find Lucite.  I got a blank stare and he said, “What’s that?  I don’t think we have any of that.”  I told him it was like window glass but plastic.  He said, “Oh, you mean Plexiglass!  It’s over here.”  I tell you this story so you will know what to ask for. 
Above, I have placed my piece of Plexiglass over a section of the quilt.  You will notice that I have lots of blue painting tape wrapped around the edges.  Safety first!  Also, I was fortunate in that there was a broken piece of Plexiglass that was pretty much the size I wanted, and was able to get it for FREE!  Can’t beat that!  Since the size was slightly irregular I placed some straight pieces of tape inside so I would know where my sewing area is.

Here, you can see I tried several different designs.  I was just playing and trying to get a feel for things.  Be sure and take the piece of glass off and away from your quilt when you wipe off the marker.
Here I have tried another design.  Still playing and haven’t made any decisions yet, but I think this is a great way to audition your quilting.

Again, this is not my idea and I would be grateful if someone would tell me the blogs where this was originally featured.  What a wonderful idea!

DON’T FORGET:  The Christmas in July Sale at the Attic Window Quilt Shop and runs all this week through July 20th.   Won’t you join us for a week of specials and a free pattern with a purchase?  Sale fabrics have been marked down further and there are special prices on the Christmas fabrics.  EVERYTHING in the shop is on sale! 

Also, you can get a head start on those Christmas gifts when you attend the free stitch-in this weekend, Friday, July 19th from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Saturday, July 20th, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Marilyn will be showing you how to make a special Made With Love patchwork pouch.  Kits will be available to purchase (pattern is free) or you can use your own fabrics.  Limited seating is available so please call the shop and reserve your spot.
ON ANOTHER NOTECheck out Crazy Mom Quilts.   Stephanie of Peas In A Pod sent me this link and I wanted to share it with you.  She knows how I like to use my scraps and I thought this was perfect for using those pieces you might think too small to do anything with.  You can make a doll quilt, table topper, wall hanging, or pin cushion.  Or if you are really determined and have lots of small scraps you can make a quilt!  What a fun way to make something pretty with your scraps.  Thanks Stephanie.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. The plexiglass is a wonderful idea. Great of you to share it. It is so frustrating when you loose track of where you get an idea. I saw a quilt I wanted to make in January and only tripped over the pattern again in June by accident. Regarding Amanda Jeans post about using scraps...I made the pin cushions the week she posted them, so quick and easy and vey fun to do. I have started a box up to hold the pieces for the quilt, one block at a time.

  2. I've seen this same idea, but using clear vinyl or overhead transparencies instead. Free plexiglass makes your version the best though. Score!!

  3. Now that is a good idea - and I just so happen to have a piece that I use across the arms of my chair, for tracing stitcheries - I put a lamp under it. Thanks Caroll!

  4. Great idea, Caroll. What size plexiglas did you ask for? Maybe 20 inches?

    I can see leaving the decided upon design on the plexiglas while you quilt to remind you of the pattern.

  5. That's really neat. I like that idea. Fantastic that you got it for free. I may have to try this!
