Monday, July 8, 2013


Good grief! We are already into the second week of July.  Summer is going so fast and before you know it, Christmas will be here.  Now is the perfect time to start thinking about those Christmas decorations and gifts.  Mark your calendar now for the week of July 15 through 20th.  That is when the Attic Window Quilt Shop is having its Christmas In July Sale!  You won’t want to miss this.  When you come in you will be given a Free pattern.  And you’ll want to come in and participate in the Free Stitch-In Weekend on Friday, July 19th, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, July 20th, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Don't forget to sign up for the Stitch-In as space is limited.

There are lots of Christmas fabrics ready for the sale.  You can deck your halls, walls and beds with these merry holiday fabrics.  Above are the new Christmas fabrics by RJR called Holiday Dreams.

Take a look at these flirty fabrics.  These large dots are called Dottie by Moda.
Check out these smaller dots.   Can’t you see them as backgrounds, simulating snow?  This grouping is by several different manufacturers.
This is another picture of some of the Christmas fabrics waiting for you at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  
A close up of some of the lovely fabrics.  Be sure and stop by and take advantage of this wonderful wintery mix and a fantastic SALE!

ON ANOTHER NOTE: Pouch has a tutorial for a fold away market tote.  It would make a darling Christmas gift, or imagine using one of these Christmas fabrics to make the pouch and use the pouch to wrap your gift in! 

ANOTHER NOTE:  Since this month is moving so fast I wanted to remind you of some happenings at the Attic Window this week. 
  • Wednesday – Happy Scrappers (day); Knotty Girls (night)
  • Friday – UFO Night
  • Saturday – Happy Scrappers (10-3)
Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!

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