Friday, August 9, 2013


Not much accomplished around here today.  I’ve been working on hand stitching my New York Beauties.  Above is another block.
And this is another one. (Sorry.  I think I should have ironed this before I took the picture.)  I love playing with my fabrics and sitting on the deck and stitching while I enjoy this beautiful weather.
Above is a look at four of them together.  This is not necessarily how they will end up in the finished quilt.  I just like to see how they look and watch the circle appear.
And here are the five blocks together.  I don’t have a plan or a pattern, but I’m having fun!  Hope you are having a great stitching day too.

  • Happy Scrappers meets Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop
  • AQS Quilt Week is the week of August 14-17 at DeVos Place Convention Center.  The Attic Window will have a vendor booth, so be sure and stop by.
ON ANOTHER NOTEiPatch has a multiple part Cloud Nine Tutorial.  Part 1 is here.  Click on the Tutorial tab for the rest of the instructions.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I really love your blocks! Your fabric choices are fabulous! I've only made one New York Beauty quilt. It was the result of a paper piecing class. I don't even have the quilt anymore. I displayed it in our Downtown Quilt Show last year and sold it as a result!

  2. Your beauty, Caroll, is a beauty! I just love NYBs and your bright fabric choices are really fun. I always find that no plan is sometimes the very best plan!

  3. I love your blocks!! These are on my someday list, but not any time soon! LOL

  4. I love love your blocks! I have made NY Beauties before, but they weren't as pretty as your blocks. One thing that surprised me was that they were much easier than I had expected.

  5. Those blocks are just beautiful but look so hard.

  6. Love this New York Beauty!! Bright, fun, and spontaneous!! Love your link as well. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day.

  7. Those are really neat! You're hand piecing them? Wow!!! i love them!

    Sorry I have been away a while. BUSY. Prepare to get lots of comments. I'm catching up! :-)
