Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Saturday when the Happy Scrappers met at the Attic Window Quilt Shop, Vickie showed us the first quilt she made from the same book, Lone Star Quilts & Beyond by Jan Krentz.  Vickie said she didn’t like how this quilt turned out and liked the one I blogged about here much better.  I don’t know why because I think it’s beautiful.  However, I must admit that I do like the second quilt better. 
Vickie said she learned a lot when she made the first quilt.  She showed us how she cut small pieces of fabric and placed them in the design as she wanted them.  That helped her make sure she was putting the correct color pieces in the right place.  What a clever idea.
While we Happy Scrappers were working away on Saturday, Lori (that's her in the middle) came into the shop with these two quilts.  I begged her to show us and let me take a picture.  What a good-looking quilt .
This is a closer view of Lori's quilt.
Lori also showed us this quilt.  She said she made it a while ago when she took a BOM from the shop.  She said this is going to be a gift for a special friend.  Both quilts were quilted by Cathy Thomas who owns Looking Glass Quilting.  I wish I had taken a picture of the back of this quilt to show you the exquisite quilting that Cathy did.  If you are interested, you can contact Cathy by calling 517-626-2412.

DON’T FORGET:  The next Stitch-In at the Attic Window Quilt Shop will be held September 20th and 21st.

ON ANOTHER NOTEThe Bored Zombie has instructions for Dizzy Dresdens.  Besure to read post #1 because that is where the pattern link is.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! It's Susan from TheBoredZombie.com. I saw some traffic come through on Dizzy Dresdens so I stopped by to check you out! Thanks a million for the share, I'm so glad you like it and happy to have discovered your blog. Lots of great things to see! :)
