Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Sometimes we just don't realize how we touch another life.   After spending the day with an 89-year-old friend (it was her birthday), I was tired when I got home.   However, I perked up when I went to the mail box and found a large package from Stephanie (Peas In A Pod).    I opened the package and found this lovely gift.   Needless to say I was thrilled, and when I read her accompanying card I was in awe and tears.  Let me share it with you.

“Dear Caroll,  I made this quilt for you quite some time ago…back when your DIL was dying.  I wanted to do something for you.  I had it all done except for the binding and I couldn’t decide how to finish it.  I finally decided to face it instead of binding it and got it done.  I’m sorry it is so far past the time when it would be appropriate.  I hope you like it.”
It’s funny how things happen.  It is nearly a year since my DIL’s death and I have been thinking a lot about her lately, so this gift arrived at just the right time.

Stephanie goes on to say, “It is called “Above the Red Line” and is meant to help you keep your thoughts positive.  It was inspired by your blog post, wherein you described your pastor’s sermon about keeping thoughts “above the red line”…i.e., positive.”

This quilt couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time as my thoughts about my DIL have been a bit negative.  I've been beating myself up with thoughts of ...I should have done more...Maybe if I’d done this I could have been more help...Maybe if I’d done that….(you get the picture). 

“I made the part above the red line bigger to signify more thoughts being positive.”  (Stephanie later told me that she thought the red was too bright.  To me it is perfect because I need bright to draw my attention and remind me where my thoughts should be.) “The straight line quilting is supposed to signify straight thinking.  The part below the line is smaller (fewer negative thoughts), and the wacky quilting signifies negative thinking"
“I designed and pieced it using Jean Wells’ “intuitive piecing” techniques and the fabrics (except the red, white, purple and stripe (on back) are hand dyes by my friend, Jackie.  I hope you like it and that it brings you good thoughts and happiness.  Love and Hugs, Stephanie”
You can see the work and thoughtfulness that has gone into this beautiful quilt.  My heart is touched. Stephanie has helped me keep my thoughts above the red line and focus on all the good times I had with my DIL.  I haven't decided where I will hang this quilt, but I know it will be someplace where I can see it early in the morning so I'll remember to start my day with positive thoughts and think of my dear sweet friend, Stephanie!  THANK YOU SO MUCH!  I've always said quilters are the best!

DON’T FORGETTall Pine Quilters Fall Quilt Show is Friday, October 18, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, October 19, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the All Saints Church Hall, 500 Iroquois Drive, Fremont, MI.  Admission is $4 which covers the two-day event.  Vendors will include the Attic Window Quilt Shop.

  • The Shop Swap Days with the Attic Window and Quilted Memories sharing in the swap will be held Sunday, Oct. 20 from 1-5, and Sunday, Oct. 27 from 1-5. 
  • Fall Clean-up Sale will be Friday, October 25th from 10-8 and again Saturday, October 26 from 10-5.  Sale fabrics, books and patterns will be up to 75% off. 
  • The First Annual Jingle Bell Hop will be Monday, Nov. 11 through Saturday, Nov. 16.  The four shops participating are Attic Window, Pressing Matters, Custom Quilts Unlimited, and Queen Bee.
  • Black Friday Stitch-In will be held Friday, Nov. 28, starting at 8 a.m.
  • Craft Day will be held Saturday, Nov. 29, from 9 – 5.  Join us and make some fun Christmas gifts early.  Four to five projects are being planned for the day.  Class time is free but there will be a small fee for project kits.
ON ANOTHER NOTE:  Connie over at Freemotion By The River has a tutorial for a beautiful string quilt.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Caroll,

    I am so glad you like it and that it brightened your day when you needed it. You are a special friend to me and always will be. Enjoy it.

    More Love and Hugs,

  2. What a beautiful gift--and a wonderful, positive read today, thank you Caroll and Stephanie!
    Hugs to you both and happy autumn days.... Bobbi

  3. Wonderful advice and how Stephanie interpreted the words into fabric for a tangible, constant reminder, is beyond beauty!

  4. The absolutely best kind of quilt, quilting, and quilter that there is. Big hug to you dear, dear woman. And kudos to Mama Pea and her entire pod who had to truly know that no gift can ever be late. Lovely in all ways!

  5. I remember when Stephanie was working on this. We discussed the "red line issue" a couple times. I think it turned out great!

  6. How very nice of Stephanie to think of you in this way with such a positive quilt. It is a perfect reminder to keep one's thoughts positive and kind. Praises for great work well done on many sides of the subject matter. Wishing you and your family the very best. Thank you for sharing. This quilt and this gesture is something to keep forever in one's mind.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!!

  7. Stephanie is a gem - what a thoughtful, wonderful gift!
