Friday, October 4, 2013


Today I’d like to honor and congratulate Robbie!  You remember her?  She used to work at the Attic Window Quilt Shop and usually made all those darling apron samples for the shop.  She recently moved out of town and we all miss her terribly.  Above is a close-up picture of Robbie celebrating Halloween.  I think the picture was taken about two years ago.
This is why we are congratulating Robbie.  This photo above is of the cover of Steampumk  magazine where Robbie  is published.  The current issue is on the newsstand now.  I wish I had a picture of what Robbie does.  She gathers cast off pieces of what others might call junk.  These objects can vary from a grungy look of a forgotten antique to bright watches, jewelry, tools, odd pieces of metal.  Think brass and copper, glass and polished wood, engraving and etching, etc.  Robbie then welds her finds together to make unique and creative works of art.
This is another picture of Robbie in full Halloween costume.  Robbie we sure miss your beautiful smile and all the fun and laughter you provided.  Come back and see us soon!  And congratulations on being published!

ON ANOTHER NOTE:  It’s time to start thinking of the upcoming holidays.  The Quilter’s Newsletter has a free block pattern for Christmas Trees. 

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!

1 comment:

  1. That's wonderful! Congratulations! I would like to meet her sometime!
