Friday, November 15, 2013


 This past Saturday while at the Happy Scrappers, Val made this block for our quilt that will be a donation to charity.  I love her bright colors.
I thought maybe it was time I lay the blocks out to see if there was enough for a quilt.
 Above, I tried a different lay-out.  I think it's going to make a lovely quilt.  I just need some opinions from other members of the group.  If I use this lay-out I'll need one more block.  I'll keep you posted.
Diana showed me a photo of this beautiful quilt that she had just finished.  Remember at our last meeting we all tried a new block.  You can read about it here.  Diana went home and made some more blocks and put together this wonderful quilt for a friend.  I asked her to send me the picture for the blog.  I placed the picture on its side because I thought it was a better view of the blocks in the quilt.   I love this block pattern and am so glad to see it in a full quilt.  Great job Diana!

A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU GOES TO BEV S.  Bev brought a bag of scraps to our group and these were much appreciated.  Our scrappers picked through the bag, but the rest of the scraps were taken by Yvonne and Judi for the Quilts For Wheels and the Cancer Kids groups.  These groups meet monthly to make quilts for charity.  The Attic Window Quilt Shop is so fortunate to have such thoughtful and giving ladies.  Again, thanks to Bev and thanks to all you giving ladies who make these special quilts.   

  • Black Friday Stitch-In will be held Friday, Nov. 28, starting at 8 a.m.
  • Craft Day will be held Saturday, Nov. 29, from 9 – 5.  Join us and make some fun Christmas gifts early.  Four to five projects are being planned for the day.  Class time is free but there will be a small fee for project kits.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: A Blue Sky Kind Of Life has a tutorial for a Christmas Tree Skirt.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I lovvvve brights and that quilt is just right up my alley!!!

  2. Oh, how I love that log cabin quilt you are building! It's bright and happy and makes me smile!

  3. Love this block and this quilt! Love the scrappy look and the colors! Very innovative! Well done! Thank you for sharing. Thank you for the great link.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  4. Your group's quilt is going to look just great!
