Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Isn't this the cutest picture?  I saw it here at Chicago Now.  I'm posting it also because I thought it would get your attention.  The other day when I posted about the Great Lakes Modern Quilt Guild I forgot to include the link to their blog.  You can find it here or on my sidebar.  Also, I forgot to include the link to Stephanie's blog, Peas In A Pod.  Her blog is also on my sidebar.  Both are blogs you will want to visit frequently.

ON ANOTHER NOTE:  Check out Positively Splendid for a tutorial on see-through zipper pouches.  They would make a nice gift for a young child.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. hahaha...that IS a cute photo!!! I don't know why you say those cute see-thru pouches are for kids, but then again, I'm just a big kid mostly. I love see-thru pouches!

  2. I love that photo. I've seen it with all sorts of different captions. :) Thanks for the shout outs!
